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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 每日一招



吕兆军  [ 弘历海外首席分析师 ]
2016-07-26 19:00:00  ~  2016-07-26 21:00:00   ( 课程时长120分钟 )






读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数, 阅人无数不如名师指路! 从上个世纪至今无数的股市大师让投资者见证了奇迹,真正的股市奇迹其实就发生在离我们很近的年代!跟着牛人学炒股,弘历软件网络经典课程本期将关注交易大师的获利秘密,敬请期待由新马《牛股集训营》栏目推出的7月网络经典系列专题课程 《致敬股市投资交易领域内的牛人系列》


  • 90006129: very good!

    2017-03-04 18:48:11

  • 90005339: 非常好!

    2017-01-30 23:29:55

  • 90005446: very good! very good!

    2016-12-11 17:17:44

  • 90005446: very good! very good!

    2016-12-11 17:17:44

  • 90005446: very good! very good!

    2016-12-11 17:17:37

  • 90006052: good( 赞 )...

    2016-11-27 11:41:48

  • 90005402: Very good

    2016-11-07 22:18:37

  • 90004009: good trading,thanks

    2016-10-22 12:13:51

  • 90004009: good trading,thanks

    2016-10-22 12:13:46

  • 90005143: Very clear of how to use this method, thank you so much 呂老師

    2016-08-26 01:34:06

  • 90002471: 好课,赞。一定要听。Thank you

    2016-08-23 16:18:11

  • 90002472: Very good. thank you master

    2016-08-05 22:27:20

  • 90004166: 此课程含甘氏矩阵图的奥义,但却化繁为简,加上吕老师精堪老练的讲解,配搭弘历软件的独有的甘氏矩阵线,把甘氏矩阵图的个中奥义,一棒击出,化为简单实用的撑压操作法则。超值超棒。多谢名师指路。

    2016-07-31 03:41:13

  • 90000185: your lecture is great and it is certainly beneficail in my shares investment. Many thanks

    2016-07-31 02:12:33

  • 90002672: very good 很好 谢谢

    2016-07-31 00:34:23

  • 90004023: Very very good.

    2016-07-30 21:17:14

  • 90005445: very good

    2016-07-30 14:49:03

  • 90003833: Excellent lesson, benefit us a lot. Thank you Master.

    2016-07-30 11:29:14

  • 94006440: good lesson to improve skill!

    2016-07-30 09:36:35

  • 90001896: 很好!又学到新东西,谢谢!

    2016-07-29 18:26:55

  • 90004104: Very good lesson thank you so much

    2016-07-29 10:48:43

  • 90004170: 非常好用的方法, 谢谢老师的分享

    2016-07-29 10:27:22

  • 90005049: very good lesson ,Thanks

    2016-07-29 06:44:20

  • 90002794: very good lesson . Thank you Master John Lu

    2016-07-28 21:11:19

  • 90002534: Good lesson. Thanks John for the simple and clear explanation of using Homily rectangle line to find support and resistance.

    2016-07-28 16:22:25

  • 90005435: 谢谢吕老师讲解运用江恩的角度线,更清楚看到支撑和阻力位,更容易做出交易的决策

    2016-07-28 14:55:34

  • 90000994: good lesson

    2016-07-28 14:04:11

  • 90004837: excellent very clear explanation of using homily rectangle line to find support and resistance thank you

    2016-07-27 22:53:29

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-27 22:26:01

  • 90004915: 多謝吕老師分享股界大師的成就吏。一般講座会多講解過往的指数而很少提及未来的走式。這90分鐘的一节課学到了把"江恩角度缐"妙用在弘历日缐的高低点而產生的神奇畫法。对未来走勢上上下下有一定的 "先知"的效果

    2016-07-27 22:10:10

  • 90002632: good

    2016-07-27 20:21:23

  • 94265250: Good lesson, but i do not have got 10 goldcoins for 10....2000 lesson

    2016-07-27 17:31:03

  • 94258025: Good lesson

    2016-07-27 17:27:34

  • 94258025: Good lesson

    2016-07-27 17:27:31

  • 94257991: Good lesson

    2016-07-27 17:24:14

  • 94257991: Good lesson

    2016-07-27 17:24:13

  • 94257991: Good lesson

    2016-07-27 17:24:09

  • 94255398: Thank you very much

    2016-07-27 17:18:55

  • 94232955: 靠弘历视频学习比自己看书更容易理解。

    2016-07-27 16:00:57

  • 90003373: very good lesson thanks

    2016-07-27 15:37:27


    2016-07-27 14:59:12

  • 90003728: very good lesson ,Thanks

    2016-07-27 14:15:11

  • 90003728: very good lesson ,Thanks

    2016-07-27 14:15:08

  • 90003728: very good lesson Thanks

    2016-07-27 14:14:11

  • 90003728: very good lesson Thanks

    2016-07-27 14:14:10

  • 90003728: very good lesson Thanks

    2016-07-27 14:14:10

  • 90001027: 现在了解多些关于这指标的应用了,对交易有帮助。👍

    2016-07-27 13:06:31

  • 94190802: good knowledge .

    2016-07-27 13:05:11

  • 30002285: good, help me to understand how to use the function in homily

    2016-07-27 10:42:56

  • 90003129: 这个讲座对于交易非常有用,非常好!

    2016-07-27 10:31:56

  • 90003171: very very good

    2016-07-27 09:49:10

  • 90003702: excellent presentation. But got echo of the voice

    2016-07-27 09:38:56


    2016-07-27 08:41:44

  • 90004061: very very good

    2016-07-27 08:05:55

  • 90002584: very very good

    2016-07-27 02:31:57

  • 90002978: Rectangle Line the essence of Gann Theory is a very powerful tool for prediction stock market. Thanks John Lu sifu and appreciate your superb lesson !!!

    2016-07-27 02:30:27

  • 90002137: excellent presentation on the modified use of Gann Theory on drawing angle lines,tqvm

    2016-07-27 01:27:38

  • 90004339: Excellent sharing...Thank you teacher

    2016-07-27 01:12:12

  • 90003088: 弘历软件的江恩角度線,能準確的显示出未来的支撑与阻力,实在大开眼界!谢谢呂老师淳淳善诱的教导!

    2016-07-27 01:09:54

  • 90005176: Very Good especially on Rectangle Line the essence of Gann Theory.

    2016-07-26 23:46:25

  • 94016354: 感謝呂老師精闢的分享這麼神奇的江恩角度線!好!

    2016-07-26 23:25:25

  • 90005567: Awesome tools for prediction stock market, just wondering IF can predict the FUTURE time point too?

    2016-07-26 23:20:32

  • 90004023: Very very nice.

    2016-07-26 23:19:55

  • 94190802: interesting. ..👍

    2016-07-26 23:19:15

  • 90003765: 吕老帅谢谢你讲的太好了

    2016-07-26 22:56:10

  • 90002863: Very Good! 谢谢,感恩。

    2016-07-26 22:55:20

  • 90004010: very very Good

    2016-07-26 22:53:03

  • 90000435: very accurate and powerful indicdation tool. must learn. Thank you.

    2016-07-26 22:50:48

  • 90004753: This is a very powerful tool. Homily always above my expectation. Well Done!!

    2016-07-26 22:46:08

  • 90002502: good lesson !! thanks

    2016-07-26 22:44:49

  • 90001999: Excellent stuff! Thanks for sharing!

    2016-07-26 22:32:17

  • 90001137: Homily software make our life simple. Even using plotting the gann fan look simple and accurate

    2016-07-26 22:29:09

  • 90005560: 谢谢分享知识。very good to learn from here

    2016-07-26 22:26:11

  • 90000092: Homily software make our life simple. Even using plotting the gann fan look simple and accurate

    2016-07-26 22:23:39

  • 90004683: 江恩名言:掌握了角度线就能解决任何问题!真是行万里路,不如名人指路啊!吕老师,谢谢分享知识。

    2016-07-26 22:22:55

  • 90001962: very very good

    2016-07-26 22:20:52

  • 90003362: 非常实用的方法,非常感谢老师。

    2016-07-26 22:11:50

  • 90003152: very good lesson

    2016-07-26 21:54:57

  • 90003025: very good & useful. Thks

    2016-07-26 21:35:09

  • 90003023: This is a very powerful tool. Homily always above my expectation. Well Done!!

    2016-07-26 21:16:37

  • 90003023: This is a very powerful tool. Homily always above my expectation. Well Done!!

    2016-07-26 21:16:36

  • 90000205: 这节课用江恩的角度线,能让股民看支撑和阻力位 更清楚,交易更容易做出决策,谢谢老师

    2016-07-26 20:57:06

  • 90000101: Very interesting video. From the lesson we learn how to draw the useful line on chart.

    2016-07-26 20:56:35

  • 90005153: very good talk, thank you teacher

    2016-07-26 20:54:20

  • 90004115: 正好是我想问的,谢谢吕老师!

    2016-07-26 20:43:56

  • 90003664: 受益良多,要赚钱一定要下功夫.

    2016-07-26 20:27:44

  • 90000101: 这节课有挑战性,不过老师说得很 清楚.谢谢老师。

    2016-07-26 20:26:38

  • 90000104: very good thinks teacher

    2016-07-26 20:10:42

  • 90004171: this is a very good sharing

    2016-07-26 19:58:11

  • 90002421: good

    2016-07-26 19:51:10

  • 30001002: 刚刚开始啊! 注意听本节课程不简单

    2016-07-26 19:01:07

  • 20000009: 还没有开始哦,七点准时开始

    2016-07-26 18:55:45

  • 90002794: start at 26/7 7pm. ok

    2016-07-26 17:36:03

  • 90002794: OFFLINE ??

    2016-07-26 17:28:52





