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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 每日一招



胡岩景  [ 弘历海外高级讲师 ]
2016-07-19 19:00:00  ~  2016-07-19 21:00:00   ( 课程时长120分钟 )






读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如名师指路! 从上个世纪至今无数的股市大师让投资者见证了奇迹,真正的股市奇迹其实就发生在离我们很近的年代!跟着牛人学炒股,弘历软件网络经典课程本期将关注交易大师的获利秘密,敬请期待由新马《牛股集训营》栏目推出的7月网络经典系列专题课程《致敬股市投资交易领域内的牛人系列》


  • 90003310: 非常好

    2017-02-19 09:33:54

  • 90003754: 老師講的太好了,簡單,明了,試下炒作。

    2017-02-04 14:00:49

  • 90005339: 非常好!

    2017-01-30 23:29:14

  • 90004820: Good good training

    2016-12-20 22:09:43

  • 90000066: good training.

    2016-12-02 22:53:57

  • 90005402: Good learning....

    2016-11-14 23:24:52

  • 90005446: very good lesson!

    2016-11-13 01:01:10

  • 90004009: good lesson,thanks

    2016-10-20 09:41:32

  • 90004009: good lesson,thanks

    2016-10-13 10:42:28

  • 90001105: very good sharing.

    2016-10-02 03:46:31

  • 90002584: very very good

    2016-08-26 00:33:36

  • 90002584: 用趋势线来跟踪趋势,要好好跟胡老师学习!

    2016-08-21 23:43:02

  • 94190802: fantastic

    2016-08-12 01:18:51

  • 90000666: Very good sharing.

    2016-08-09 11:48:20

  • 94190802: always like it. good

    2016-08-07 01:50:08

  • 90003970: 谢谢Master,看了全身都发热。。摩拳擦掌。。准备冲啊。。

    2016-08-03 10:24:44

  • 90000058: very good very useful Thank you

    2016-08-02 12:53:39

  • 94242469: Thank Q Master , Good sharing

    2016-08-02 12:16:56

  • 90000643: Full of passion and determination to guide us to the right path of trading, really appreciate!!!

    2016-08-02 00:38:47

  • 90001538: A precious lesson full of inspiration.

    2016-08-01 14:09:46

  • 90003025: Very good & useful. Thk you.

    2016-08-01 12:46:22

  • 90002933: very good thank you

    2016-08-01 08:02:19

  • 90004827: good, thank you.

    2016-08-01 05:00:56

  • 90004833: 赞!赞!赞! 赞!赞!

    2016-07-31 21:35:13

  • 90005551: Thanks Master very good presentation

    2016-07-31 21:25:52

  • 90003044: very good and thank you

    2016-07-31 21:09:11

  • 90001962: very very good

    2016-07-31 15:25:58

  • 90002472: very very good and useful. thank you

    2016-07-30 21:32:02

  • 94006440: 好课程!长知识了

    2016-07-30 10:04:16

  • 90000092: All who joined homily will have no regret as they will provided the best support and teaching aid in relation to the use of software in various bear or bull situation.

    2016-07-30 00:35:29

  • 90000532: 听了老师的课,又学会了一个选股方法。谢谢! 讚 !

    2016-07-29 15:04:33

  • 90005015: 好课程好容易的操作

    2016-07-29 12:06:19

  • 90004104: Good lesson, thank your very much

    2016-07-29 10:42:15

  • 90004104: Good lesson, thank your very much

    2016-07-29 10:42:15

  • 90004170: 听了老师的课,又增长了知识,谢谢

    2016-07-29 10:33:28

  • 90000092: Master Hu, Very True on what you have said. Watching indicator movie is very interesting and we forget easily without any lesson learnt. But once participate with homily indicator as per homily many

    2016-07-28 22:59:05

  • 90005496: Learn new thing.Thanks very much

    2016-07-27 00:10:31

  • 90000934: very very good and useful. thank you

    2016-07-26 23:28:27

  • 90001999: Very good !!!

    2016-07-26 22:29:50

  • 90005482: Veryu Good!!

    2016-07-26 17:04:05

  • 90005482:

    2016-07-26 17:03:03

  • 90002330: 又学到新的智慧又长知识了。

    2016-07-26 14:52:33

  • 90003312: MA 13 days is useful to use for enter

    2016-07-26 13:35:47

  • 94242469: Very good Tq Master sharing

    2016-07-26 12:30:35

  • 90003728: I do not have get 10 goldcoins for 10...2000

    2016-07-25 17:12:28

  • 90003728: I do have get 10 goldcoins

    2016-07-25 17:10:37

  • 90005015: 好课程获益不浅

    2016-07-25 14:47:59

  • 30002285: sinple and easy method. Hope can use it effectively

    2016-07-25 12:19:30

  • 94265250: Good lesson, Thanks

    2016-07-24 01:51:09

  • 90003833: Excellent Lesson, so attractive! Thank You Master Jelly Hu

    2016-07-24 00:38:43

  • 90002552: Thank you, Master Jerry. Very good! Easy to understand

    2016-07-24 00:09:29

  • 90002552: Thank you, Master Jerry. Very good! Easy to understand

    2016-07-24 00:09:29

  • 90004023: Very Good. Nice

    2016-07-23 22:07:10

  • 90004353: 謝謝老師的分享! 管道故事很受益~13日均線很有效!!

    2016-07-23 21:30:06

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-23 21:21:31

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-23 21:21:31

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-23 21:21:31

  • 94006440: good lesson!

    2016-07-23 12:45:20

  • 90001999: excellent sharing, thank you !

    2016-07-23 01:17:24

  • 90003992: 太精彩,太好了。1,000,000,000赞 非看不可。

    2016-07-23 01:06:28

  • 90000934: very very helpful and effective strategy for us. thank you very much.

    2016-07-23 00:21:25

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-22 23:16:48

  • 90000058: very good very useful, thank you.

    2016-07-22 23:03:44

  • 90005560: thanks for sharing. great and useful information

    2016-07-22 22:19:46

  • 90001350: Strong Signal and LSF are very brilliant combination

    2016-07-22 20:41:47

  • 90003129: 胡老师:您讲得又详细又好,谢谢!

    2016-07-22 12:00:59

  • 90004753: 多空资金加强势信号 Very good,谢谢胡老师

    2016-07-22 00:10:31

  • 90000435: Easy to understand, Thank you Master Hu

    2016-07-21 23:30:40

  • 90004130: 大开眼界的一堂课。谢谢胡老师,感恩!

    2016-07-21 21:46:05

  • 94246033: 老师讲得非常好,通俗易懂,简单明了

    2016-07-21 21:37:19

  • 90004023: very very good.

    2016-07-21 21:35:11

  • 90002137: It is important to fix a trading model and stick to it

    2016-07-21 21:29:15

  • 90002137: TQVM,best presentation by Master Jerry Hu,learn a lot on uotrend buying and fixing cutloss and cut win

    2016-07-21 21:05:25

  • 90000909: 多空资金加强势信号 Very good,谢谢胡老师.

    2016-07-21 21:03:07

  • 90003267: good lesson, tq

    2016-07-21 20:11:46

  • 90002692: 谢谢你,老师,一言惊醒梦中人

    2016-07-21 19:41:26

  • 90003702: 简单容易操作的指标, MAm Storng Signal LSF.谢谢老帅

    2016-07-21 19:37:13

  • 90005435: 谢谢胡老师,通过老师讲的:拥有良好心态、智慧,及方法,可以让股票翻倍。

    2016-07-21 19:08:35

  • 90003044: Very good, Thanks

    2016-07-21 17:30:09

  • 94258025: Good lesson, Thanks

    2016-07-21 17:21:53

  • 94257991: Very Good, Thanks

    2016-07-21 17:18:17

  • 90003171: very good,thank you

    2016-07-21 16:43:38

  • 90004061: good, very good , clear to understand

    2016-07-21 16:19:44

  • 90002863: Very Good.可以股票翻倍了

    2016-07-21 15:32:50

  • 90005571: great, thanks for the info

    2016-07-21 15:22:27

  • 90005571: good info, thanks

    2016-07-21 15:21:19

  • 90000481: good. Very simple method to trade

    2016-07-21 15:00:14

  • 90002794: Very good and useful lesson. Easy to follow . Thank you Master Jerry Hu.

    2016-07-21 13:38:34

  • 90000451: The combination use of 13 days MA, Strong Signal

    2016-07-21 12:01:56

  • 90003088: 为自己建立一个源源不绝收益的财富通道,打造智慧人生!谢谢您胡老师!

    2016-07-21 01:50:24

  • 90005049: very good! thank you very much!

    2016-07-21 01:06:03

  • 90004753: very good combination of 13days MA,Strong Signal and LSF

    2016-07-21 00:11:03

  • 90003765: 老帅谢谢你我学到了很多

    2016-07-20 23:49:05

  • 94255398: Very good, Thanks

    2016-07-20 23:46:39

  • 90003195: 简单容易操作的指标。

    2016-07-20 23:02:52

  • 90004837: very good combination of 13days MA,Strong Signal and LSF

    2016-07-20 21:46:18

  • 90004023: Very nice. good

    2016-07-20 21:27:24

  • 90004023: very very good.

    2016-07-20 21:26:34

  • 90005352: this is a good learning a course

    2016-07-20 21:10:08

  • 90005352: 请问那个生命线,为什么在homily软件找不到?

    2016-07-20 21:08:33

  • 90003152: Very good for study beginner

    2016-07-20 20:10:38

  • 90002421: good lesson

    2016-07-20 20:06:35

  • 90003852: this is a fantastic lesson for me tonight

    2016-07-20 20:01:09

  • 90000205: good lesson, thank you

    2016-07-20 20:00:27

  • 90005176: Very Good, very easy and simple to apply.

    2016-07-20 19:37:43

  • 90001610: Thank you teacher for your generous teaching , another good trading method

    2016-07-20 15:44:17

  • 90000185: Very Good! your effort are much appreciated.

    2016-07-20 14:35:48

  • 90000994: good lesson ,thank you teacher

    2016-07-20 13:56:48

  • 90000994: good lesson ,thank you teacher

    2016-07-20 13:56:44

  • 90000994: good lesson ,thank you teacher

    2016-07-20 13:56:43

  • 90000101: Very useful lesson. Hope all members of Homily do not miss.

    2016-07-20 13:45:28

  • 90003375: Very good thanks.

    2016-07-20 12:18:10

  • 90005445: 谢谢老师,我们会坚持到底做下去。

    2016-07-20 10:22:16

  • 90003373: very good thanks

    2016-07-20 09:56:57

  • 90003728: good,thanks

    2016-07-20 04:49:49

  • 90005588: Simple but good trading model

    2016-07-20 01:29:31

  • 90002542: Thanks you teacher, simple but effective !!!!!

    2016-07-20 00:21:47

  • 90004683: 太强大的功能了,这何止是提点我们挖渠道,而是让我们打开那道隐形的金山!谢谢您胡老师,太好了 !

    2016-07-20 00:20:48

  • 90002542: Thank you teacher. Simple but Effective!!

    2016-07-20 00:20:22

  • 90002542: Thank you teacher. Simple but Effective!!

    2016-07-20 00:19:06

  • 90002541: 能有如此棒的老师是我们的福气!给你一万个LIKE!!!

    2016-07-20 00:04:24

  • 90002584: 简单而且稳定的操作指标.

    2016-07-20 00:02:13

  • 90004339: Excellent training lesson. So simple and easy method. Follow the rule . I am going to be a successful trader.Thank you Jerry

    2016-07-19 23:45:27

  • 90002481: 谢谢弘历讲师, 今天学到炒股的智慧。感谢胡老师的分享!感恩!

    2016-07-19 23:15:37

  • 94016354: 胡老師深入簡出的講解,讓人獲益良多!讓大家一起來打造人生智慧!

    2016-07-19 23:14:03

  • 90000101: Very attractive and useful lesson. Thank you very much teacher Jerry Hu .

    2016-07-19 23:06:15

  • 94229654: very good

    2016-07-19 22:58:59

  • 90000104: very very very good

    2016-07-19 22:58:54

  • 90000104: very very very good

    2016-07-19 22:58:51

  • 90005534: Very good explanation. Appreciate it.

    2016-07-19 22:53:50

  • 94000553: using homily software will provide us higher chance of profit.

    2016-07-19 22:53:16

  • 90002994: very good teaching, easy to understand

    2016-07-19 22:32:47

  • 90002999: Very good! Thank you so much!

    2016-07-19 22:29:21

  • 90001137: 每次重看我都会得到新的领悟。 弘历的强点就在于学员能自己重复学习,至到真正完全领悟。

    2016-07-19 22:18:35

  • 94232955: 每次重看我都会得到新的领悟。 弘历的强点就在于学员能自己重复学习,至到真正完全领悟。

    2016-07-19 22:16:08

  • 94000553: Thanks Jerry. Explanation very detail and concise !!

    2016-07-19 22:12:51

  • 90005406: Thanks Jerry, this is enrich my knowledge with good explanation

    2016-07-19 22:09:32

  • 90000205: very good, thank you teacher

    2016-07-19 22:07:32

  • 90000205: very good, thank you teacher

    2016-07-19 22:07:31

  • 90003023: Thank you teacher. Simple but Effective!!

    2016-07-19 22:03:35

  • 90002794: Very good and useful lesson. Thank you

    2016-07-19 21:54:26

  • 90002502: good lesson, thank so much !!

    2016-07-19 21:21:51

  • 90004338: 真的是大智慧啊! 是要在股市中求胜的必备心法!感谢胡老师分享!感恩!

    2016-07-19 21:07:39

  • 90004503: 不可以看???????

    2016-07-19 20:55:52

  • 90003152: nice lesson for investor

    2016-07-19 20:46:53

  • 90002978: Thanks Jerry sifu for your superb sharing !!! 13MA plus Strong Signal plus LSF via Success Profit Model could create Wealth Channel. I could use this method to grow my wealth with thousand multiples e

    2016-07-19 20:46:43

  • 90005153: 讲的很好,在股市里心态和选择很重要

    2016-07-19 20:45:42

  • 90005195: very good teaching

    2016-07-19 20:45:02

  • 90002672: ho ho

    2016-07-19 20:35:08

  • 90003852: very very good

    2016-07-19 20:33:58

  • 90002863: Very Good.希望我的股票投资也可以翻倍啦 谢谢,感恩。

    2016-07-19 20:27:35

  • 90002421: 太好了

    2016-07-19 20:07:07

  • 90004915: 使用Homily chart.. 在寻找上升股的机率很好 在思路上只做上升趋勢之攻並非難事。也多謝胡老師分享十三日均线的用法 Chat Conversation End

    2016-07-19 19:53:06

  • 90000104: very very very good

    2016-07-19 15:38:48





