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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 弘历软件
90006360: 很不错的一个解说,感谢
2017-02-05 19:18:13
90001105: Good lesson.
2016-10-02 03:47:51
90000666: Very good sharing.
2016-08-09 11:51:50
90001694: Good sharing.
2016-08-08 13:22:36
90002472: very very good. thank you
2016-08-07 21:55:12
90004314: 好方法,简单易懂,谢谢胡老师
2016-08-07 14:03:35
90002950: very good and thank you
2016-07-29 12:03:43
90004522: Homily Channel GOOOOD!!
2016-07-27 19:38:51
90004171: very good and simple to understand
2016-07-25 20:41:03
90001012: 胡老师讲得简单明了, 纠正了我们过去的一些不正确的思维, 让我豁然开眼, 尤其是还设置如何选股, 真是太棒了!让我们节约时间, 一网打尽翻倍的好股。强烈推荐!!!
2016-07-25 11:11:22
2016-07-25 11:11:19
90002584: very very good
2016-07-25 01:17:09
94204661: very good lesson. thanks
2016-07-24 23:20:13
90005435: 很好的弘历彩虹和六彩神龙讲解
2016-07-24 23:17:32
90001137: Excellent presentation,learn nature of dark horse stocks
2016-07-24 21:03:35
90002137: Excellent presentation,learn nature of dark horse stocks
2016-07-24 20:29:52
90003702: Good lesson, combination of MCD and HRB
2016-07-24 18:35:02
90005195: Jerry very good
2016-07-24 15:19:25
2016-07-24 11:49:50
90004216: 很好, TQ
2016-07-24 10:53:27
94190802: Good. Good.
2016-07-24 09:34:31
90003023: Very good! TQVM
2016-07-24 09:15:56
94232955: 虽然买对了却依然卖错,好难把握。
2016-07-24 08:17:44
2016-07-24 07:02:40
90005176: Very Good, Combination of HRB MCD for showing 5 horses Diagram.
2016-07-24 01:05:39
90001962: very very good
2016-07-23 22:34:00
90000891: good lesson.
2016-07-23 20:19:01
90003171: very good.thanks
2016-07-23 20:02:57
90002845: very good
2016-07-23 19:57:03
90003152: nice lesson
2016-07-23 16:57:04
2016-07-23 16:56:59
2016-07-23 14:32:59
90006360: 很不错的一个解说,感谢
2017-02-05 19:18:13
90001105: Good lesson.
2016-10-02 03:47:51
90000666: Very good sharing.
2016-08-09 11:51:50
90001694: Good sharing.
2016-08-08 13:22:36
90002472: very very good. thank you
2016-08-07 21:55:12
90002472: very very good. thank you
2016-08-07 21:55:12
90004314: 好方法,简单易懂,谢谢胡老师
2016-08-07 14:03:35
90002950: very good and thank you
2016-07-29 12:03:43
90004522: Homily Channel GOOOOD!!
2016-07-27 19:38:51
90004171: very good and simple to understand
2016-07-25 20:41:03
90001012: 胡老师讲得简单明了, 纠正了我们过去的一些不正确的思维, 让我豁然开眼, 尤其是还设置如何选股, 真是太棒了!让我们节约时间, 一网打尽翻倍的好股。强烈推荐!!!
2016-07-25 11:11:22
90001012: 胡老师讲得简单明了, 纠正了我们过去的一些不正确的思维, 让我豁然开眼, 尤其是还设置如何选股, 真是太棒了!让我们节约时间, 一网打尽翻倍的好股。强烈推荐!!!
2016-07-25 11:11:19
90002584: very very good
2016-07-25 01:17:09
94204661: very good lesson. thanks
2016-07-24 23:20:13
90005435: 很好的弘历彩虹和六彩神龙讲解
2016-07-24 23:17:32
90001137: Excellent presentation,learn nature of dark horse stocks
2016-07-24 21:03:35
90002137: Excellent presentation,learn nature of dark horse stocks
2016-07-24 20:29:52
90003702: Good lesson, combination of MCD and HRB
2016-07-24 18:35:02
90005195: Jerry very good
2016-07-24 15:19:25
2016-07-24 11:49:50
90004216: 很好, TQ
2016-07-24 10:53:27
94190802: Good. Good.
2016-07-24 09:34:31
90003023: Very good! TQVM
2016-07-24 09:15:56
94232955: 虽然买对了却依然卖错,好难把握。
2016-07-24 08:17:44
2016-07-24 07:02:40
90005176: Very Good, Combination of HRB MCD for showing 5 horses Diagram.
2016-07-24 01:05:39
90001962: very very good
2016-07-23 22:34:00
90000891: good lesson.
2016-07-23 20:19:01
90003171: very good.thanks
2016-07-23 20:02:57
90002845: very good
2016-07-23 19:57:03
90003152: nice lesson
2016-07-23 16:57:04
90003152: nice lesson
2016-07-23 16:56:59
90001962: very very good
2016-07-23 14:32:59