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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 每日一招



胡岩景  [ 弘历海外高级讲师 ]
2016-07-09 14:00:00  ~  2016-07-09 16:00:00   ( 课程时长120分钟 )






本次《让利润奔跑的7堂必修课》系列课程是继《高手炒股十三招》和《修炼新马八大金股的秘诀》之后又一个系列的专题课程,也是Homily Video重磅推出的系列专题课程,我们旨在将Homily Video打造成东南亚最大最专业的股票投资平台,我们的口号是“东南亚最大最专业的投资课堂”.


  • 94190802: homily good

    2016-07-23 11:10:01

  • 90002472: very good.

    2016-07-21 22:49:42

  • 90005357: good

    2016-07-19 20:32:33

  • 90001012: 深入浅出, 获益菲浅!

    2016-07-18 22:20:36

  • 90004472: 很好

    2016-07-18 19:49:15

  • 90003025: very good. TQ

    2016-07-15 23:00:44

  • 90002229: very good, thanks

    2016-07-15 01:09:06

  • 90001418: vre very very good

    2016-07-13 15:59:40

  • 90002638: Very good, especially on his trading methodology. Thansk

    2016-07-13 08:45:46

  • 90002137: excellent presentation,keep up the good work

    2016-07-13 00:52:28

  • 90005435: good, 谢谢老师讲解

    2016-07-12 22:49:31

  • 90001610: 谢谢老师, 分析的非常好,了解了庄家如何计划获利

    2016-07-12 22:44:10

  • 90000421: Very good! 谢谢老师!

    2016-07-12 21:09:58

  • 90001418: good

    2016-07-12 12:24:25

  • 90005439: 谢谢老师!经典投资理念,语意明白,分析的非常清楚。

    2016-07-12 08:52:19

  • 90002927: 谢谢你的六彩神龙教程~

    2016-07-11 18:48:13

  • 90004216: 很好

    2016-07-11 11:14:05

  • 90005078: 终于弄懂六彩神龙跟庄操作手法. 不用浪费 时间做笔记拍照, 省时省力, 专心听课, 真好. Like...赞!!!

    2016-07-11 11:12:48

  • 90000003: good

    2016-07-11 01:16:03

  • 90000003: good

    2016-07-10 23:43:45

  • 90003129: Excellent ! I like it.

    2016-07-10 22:49:41

  • 90000648: It is beneficial and useful lesson.

    2016-07-10 22:24:20

  • 94232955: 杨老师, 有一点不太明白或不同意的,关于马来西亚富时指数,5月和6月不是也一样重点回避吗 ?

    2016-07-10 22:12:06

  • 94204661: very good!

    2016-07-10 22:02:19

  • 90002541: Another Good Lesson, thank you so much!

    2016-07-10 21:35:16

  • 90000104: Very good. I like it!

    2016-07-10 20:05:24

  • 90000101: 通过老师的分析,我們对主力的运作有进一步的认识。谢谢老师!!!

    2016-07-10 19:45:34

  • 90004061: very good👍

    2016-07-10 18:52:31

  • 90000058: very good very useful

    2016-07-10 17:28:24

  • 90004314: 对主力资金有更深一层了解。谢谢你。老师

    2016-07-10 17:21:45

  • 90004683: gain knowledge on how to differentiate liquidation and banker runaway with profit. good tutorial but volume too soft.

    2016-07-10 16:55:31

  • 94232955: 有钱不但能使鬼推磨, 连股市也一样能被推磨。

    2016-07-10 16:09:22

  • 94232955: 有钱不但能使鬼推磨, 连股市也一样能被推磨。

    2016-07-10 16:09:22

  • 94049329: 非常好,易董,很有用。

    2016-07-10 16:04:28

  • 94246033: 思路清晰,通俗易懂,非常好!

    2016-07-10 15:20:44

  • 90001212: very good.

    2016-07-10 14:57:12

  • 90001212: I like it.

    2016-07-10 14:56:36

  • 90000185: Excellant thank you for sharing.

    2016-07-10 13:41:35

  • 90004049: excellent thanks

    2016-07-10 13:36:54

  • 90005352: tux sharing

    2016-07-10 12:26:32

  • 90001578: 图文并茂内容多彩讲解详细老师厉害

    2016-07-10 11:55:17

  • 90000109: A piece of detailed and exceptionally clear exposition on the use of unique Homily Software features of MCD and Bull and Bear Expert. Interesting and convincing.

    2016-07-10 11:49:43

  • 90000934: really very very good to understand how the big funds move the prices..!! thank you.

    2016-07-10 11:30:48

  • 90004010: Very Good

    2016-07-10 10:55:49

  • 90004216: 很好

    2016-07-10 10:21:20

  • 90000205: 很好,受益不淺,谢谢老师

    2016-07-10 10:19:48

  • 90003043: 不错!原来六彩神龙的功能真的很强大!

    2016-07-10 09:36:33

  • 90000299: good but volume too soft

    2016-07-10 09:22:30

  • 90004837: volume too soft

    2016-07-10 09:00:49

  • 90003023: Very detail!!

    2016-07-10 07:42:57

  • 94190802: good

    2016-07-10 03:00:59

  • 90000482: 用多空王及六彩神龙追踪趋势及主力资金: 很好的佩合,老师教得很好!

    2016-07-10 03:00:27

  • 90000003: good

    2016-07-10 01:56:52

  • 90002031: very good

    2016-07-10 00:36:56

  • 90003171: every good

    2016-07-09 23:47:04

  • 90000003: good

    2016-07-09 22:50:46

  • 94229654: very good

    2016-07-09 22:46:16

  • 90000891: good

    2016-07-09 22:45:05

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-09 22:36:30

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-07-09 22:36:30

  • 90004753: very good lesson

    2016-07-09 22:32:12

  • 90004834: 资 金 为 王 Very Good

    2016-07-09 22:10:08

  • 90000011: MCD can show the direction of money flow

    2016-07-09 21:12:47

  • 90002421: good

    2016-07-09 21:06:59

  • 90004245: 很详细很清楚 verygood

    2016-07-09 21:05:22

  • 90000937: very good lesson

    2016-07-09 20:52:24

  • 90002259: 内容丰富, 深入浅出,多看多得

    2016-07-09 20:16:09

  • 90000909: 第 二 讲 :资 金 为 王 Very Good

    2016-07-09 19:49:56

  • 90003395: good

    2016-07-09 17:19:56

  • 20000121: 在上传中,请稍等,大概半小时后就可以看了

    2016-07-09 16:28:12

  • 90004503: 怎么不能看的??? ?

    2016-07-09 15:13:59





