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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 让利润奔跑的7堂必修课



李强  [ 弘历讲师 ]
2016-06-25 14:00:00  ~  2016-06-25 16:00:00   ( 课程时长120分钟 )






本次《修炼新马八大金股的秘诀》系列课程是继《高手炒股十三招》之后又一个系列的专题课程,也是Homily Video重磅推出的系列专题课程,我们旨在将Homily Video打造成东南亚最大最专业的股票投资平台,我们的口号是“东南亚最大最专业的投资课堂”.


  • 90006762: Video unavailable. This video is private. No open to GoldCard Member???

    2022-05-07 10:44:11

  • 90004009: Good sharing.

    2020-08-09 10:55:59

  • 90004134: 很有价值的一堂課.謝謝李老師

    2017-02-20 19:25:58

  • 90003310: 謝謝老師、很有參考價值....

    2017-02-19 23:35:40

  • 90003149: 謝谢老師好有幫助的講課

    2017-02-19 21:50:21

  • 90006144: 謝謝老师的分享,值得推廌

    2017-02-08 23:47:13

  • 90006386: 謝謝李强老師, 長知識了, 大家一定要看看這系列

    2017-02-01 14:31:39

  • 94274919: 超級有用,絕對值得觀看

    2017-01-23 16:09:10

  • 90005907: powerful tools. 謝謝李老師!

    2017-01-01 23:34:42

  • 90003139: 太極信号高抛低吸好方法、好安全,謝李老師

    2016-12-21 11:22:58

  • 90003575: 很有用,值得推廌,大家請勿错過;

    2016-12-04 22:05:53

  • 90000066: useful lesson.

    2016-12-02 23:04:34

  • 90001105: Good lesson.

    2016-10-02 04:08:08

  • 90003860: good explanation. excellent.

    2016-09-05 09:04:06

  • 90004259: good sharing

    2016-08-22 07:01:00

  • 90003006: Good..thanks teacher

    2016-08-21 16:00:20

  • 94157842: like very good

    2016-08-21 13:45:05

  • 90000106: Thanks for the good sharing.

    2016-08-07 02:45:27

  • 94190802: tai chi kung fu..good

    2016-08-07 01:41:55

  • 90003784: 原來用太極來看支撐和壓力是這麽容易了解 太棒了!

    2016-08-07 00:41:38

  • 90000092: very good

    2016-08-04 01:08:04

  • 90002472: 非常棒,谢谢老师的分享。。

    2016-07-31 22:05:59

  • 90004314: Good

    2016-07-31 18:52:21

  • 90002759: very good explanation on t use of Homily Tai Chi to buy low & sell high. Thank you.

    2016-07-31 01:48:25

  • 90000934: 很好,有用的分享。谢谢。

    2016-07-27 15:32:02

  • 90005015: 太好了说的太好受益不浅

    2016-07-25 19:35:14

  • 90000092: very good, must view with understanding

    2016-07-23 03:35:07

  • 90000058: very good very useful, thank you

    2016-07-22 23:15:37

  • 90000858: Very useful lesson.

    2016-07-22 00:03:57

  • 90000934: 很详细的太极用法的解释。非常谢谢。

    2016-07-20 12:06:06

  • 90001137: very useful method to detact the turning point of a share with Tai Chi Signal. Thank you for sharing master Lee

    2016-07-19 22:28:05

  • 90005352: thx homily sharing, and learn a lot

    2016-07-14 22:41:27

  • 90003088: very useful method to detact the turning point of a share with Tai Chi Signal. Thank you for sharing master Lee.

    2016-07-14 00:44:43

  • 90001694: Good sharing on how to use Tai Chi signal effectively.

    2016-07-13 22:47:06

  • 90004009: good strategy,thanks

    2016-07-13 09:56:40

  • 90005496: very very good strategy

    2016-07-12 16:31:29

  • 90000891: good,thank.

    2016-07-10 18:19:52

  • 94246033: 老师讲得很清楚,很好!

    2016-07-10 17:00:03

  • 90004049: good thanks

    2016-07-10 13:54:00

  • 94229225: good thanks

    2016-07-10 11:15:08

  • 90005463: Good, thanks.

    2016-07-09 21:30:30

  • 90005482: Very good learning. TQ

    2016-07-09 21:22:39

  • 90005588: very good indicator to catch super bull

    2016-07-09 20:20:16

  • 90000934: learnt a lot. thank you very much.

    2016-07-09 17:54:49

  • 90004023: Very very good.

    2016-07-08 21:36:42

  • 90000402: good and useful indicator. thx!

    2016-07-07 17:28:32

  • 90005352: 指标好用又简单,同时老师也深入的解釋,让股民容易的选到黑马股,谢谢老师的教导

    2016-07-07 16:36:27

  • 90000481: very clear and simplt explanation. thx!

    2016-07-07 14:29:08

  • 30002285: good. underatand the function of taichi

    2016-07-07 14:27:42

  • 90004314: Good

    2016-07-07 12:00:23

  • 90000648: 老师详细讲解弘历太极的正确使用方法,对我们分析股票有极大帮助。

    2016-07-06 16:53:55

  • 90000292: good lesson

    2016-07-06 13:29:54

  • 90001418: good

    2016-07-06 10:17:03

  • 90002481: 李强老师是一位很棒的老师, 他能浅出把如何做股票解稀得很清楚。

    2016-07-06 09:58:43

  • 94006440: good lesson!

    2016-07-05 21:29:29

  • 90000004: Very Good. Excellent explanation.

    2016-07-05 15:40:44

  • 94052568: very good very good

    2016-07-05 14:22:41

  • 90005463: Very nice teaching, thank you.

    2016-07-05 12:08:29

  • 90000134: good good. Thanks.

    2016-07-04 20:38:17

  • 90001426: Good thanks

    2016-07-04 13:50:56


    2016-07-04 02:14:11

  • 90004314: 简单易懂👍

    2016-07-03 22:14:53

  • 90001393: Very Good And Excellent

    2016-07-03 18:36:02

  • 90002638: detailed, and find the lesson interesting and fruitful

    2016-07-03 12:57:48

  • 90001578: 太好了天赐慧眼见亁坤

    2016-07-03 11:02:58

  • 90002637: very good.

    2016-07-03 11:00:33

  • 90000143: good

    2016-07-03 00:10:46

  • 90004119: very good!

    2016-07-02 21:00:44

  • 90000934: 很好很好。 学了很多。 谢谢.

    2016-07-02 19:22:04

  • 90000134: good good. clap hands

    2016-07-02 10:56:55

  • 90000092: v good

    2016-07-02 02:44:08

  • 90000666: Good lesson. Understand how to use Tai Chi Signal to find buy and sell points better.

    2016-07-02 00:07:48

  • 94000784: The lesson has enhanced my understanding of the Tai Chi Signal

    2016-07-01 23:58:34

  • 90003195: 谢谢老师,让我们更了解太极的操作用法。

    2016-07-01 16:33:09

  • 90001926: very good and useful.

    2016-07-01 16:13:38

  • 90001610: Good teaching, thank you for the online learning.

    2016-07-01 10:06:20

  • 90002031: 老师思路清晰,讲得非常好。

    2016-07-01 08:42:37

  • 90000143: good

    2016-07-01 07:04:16

  • 90004364: good

    2016-07-01 02:12:25

  • 90000143: good

    2016-06-30 18:21:49

  • 94019133: Very good about the use of 太极! Only thing is the lecture speed a bit too slow.

    2016-06-30 17:43:52

  • 90002638: very good, thanks

    2016-06-30 11:58:07

  • 94242469: Thank Q Master , Very good

    2016-06-30 09:21:40

  • 90004010: Very good. Strongly recommended

    2016-06-30 08:44:30

  • 94204661: very good.

    2016-06-30 00:29:32

  • 90003860: very good, thanks

    2016-06-30 00:08:53

  • 90000934: 老师讲解简单明了。 学了很多。,太好了

    2016-06-29 23:57:38

  • 90001926: Very good and useful.

    2016-06-29 20:21:19

  • 90000909: 金 股 涨 跌 有 乾 坤 Very Good

    2016-06-29 20:14:33

  • 90000143: good

    2016-06-29 19:12:23

  • 90000109: very clear and good explanation on taichi signals.

    2016-06-29 16:03:15

  • 90003129: This talk is useful to me.

    2016-06-29 14:58:46

  • 90005237: thanks for the videos. it is a very good lnowledge and revision. good

    2016-06-29 14:18:38

  • 90001479: very good video.

    2016-06-29 11:56:40

  • 90003373: very good explanation

    2016-06-29 09:17:32

  • 90004010: Very Good explanation.

    2016-06-29 07:47:20

  • 90002632: good

    2016-06-29 01:04:53

  • 90002978: Great Video !!! Thank you Master Lee's clear and comprehensive explanation on Taichi signal buy and sell point to be profitable all the times !!! Excellent sharing !!!

    2016-06-29 01:02:47

  • 90003364: very good . tqvm

    2016-06-29 00:13:31

  • 90001012: 老师从四方面深入浅出把如何做股票解析得清楚明了。。。太棒了!

    2016-06-29 00:07:10

  • 90002259: 老师讲解简单明了,太好了!

    2016-06-28 22:57:28

  • 90005352: 老师详细的讲解让我对弘历太极有更深入的理解和明白。感恩每次的有心良苦。谢谢你

    2016-06-28 22:44:04

  • 94018733: good

    2016-06-28 21:05:21

  • 90004522: Thanks for the sharing, very good!

    2016-06-28 20:13:55

  • 90001418: good

    2016-06-28 18:57:33

  • 90000058: very good very useful

    2016-06-28 16:59:50

  • 90005073: TaiChi Signal help you to locate opportunity at bottom and risk to escape from top.

    2016-06-28 16:33:24

  • 90005560: very good video, thanks for sharing

    2016-06-28 16:21:32

  • 94202471: very good , thank for sharing master..

    2016-06-28 16:04:31

  • 94242469: very good tq master

    2016-06-28 15:58:49

  • 94246033: 老师讲得非常清楚,非常好。

    2016-06-28 14:58:43

  • 90004010: 非常好的讲解。谢谢老师。赞

    2016-06-28 13:40:21

  • 90004170: 增长知识不少,谢谢老师

    2016-06-28 12:19:04

  • 90001479: very good video

    2016-06-28 11:46:33

  • 90000481: good. the more i listen the more i understand

    2016-06-28 10:06:16

  • 30002285: good! i understand better now

    2016-06-28 10:05:11

  • 90001212: very good.

    2016-06-28 08:40:40

  • 90004216: 很好的指标

    2016-06-28 06:22:30

  • 90000092: Another great video. worth every min spent on watching.

    2016-06-27 23:45:26

  • 90001212: very good.

    2016-06-27 23:33:09

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-06-27 22:18:43

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-06-27 22:18:43

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-06-27 22:18:43

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-06-27 22:18:43

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-06-27 22:18:43

  • 90002933: very very good thank

    2016-06-27 21:49:27

  • 90001393: Very good and useful

    2016-06-27 21:11:42

  • 90001393: Excellent Good

    2016-06-27 21:10:58

  • 90005406: 又学到新的知识了,谢谢老师。

    2016-06-27 19:45:01

  • 90001418: good

    2016-06-27 18:49:58

  • 90002999: Homily really great and have very good teacher!

    2016-06-27 18:13:08

  • 90004283: 更深层次的认识了弘历太极,不仅限于阴盛阳生买入,阳盛阴生卖出,赞!

    2016-06-27 17:50:37

  • 94239907: Great teaching and meaningful technique.

    2016-06-27 17:09:40

  • 90004126: 多听多学,获益良多,再接再厉 ,棒。

    2016-06-27 16:59:34

  • 90002137: very good and meaningful

    2016-06-27 16:04:53

  • 90004115: Thanks for the unique/deeper understanding and method in using this indicator!

    2016-06-27 15:46:06

  • 90001027: 差点就錯过这video,还好赶上了。温故知新。

    2016-06-27 12:11:49

  • 90003657: very good technic lesson

    2016-06-27 11:46:12

  • 94240385: 原来你们弘历的太极这么地好用,能帮我買低賣高。太棒了!

    2016-06-27 11:22:05

  • 90002259: 老师详细的讲解, 让我对弘历太极有更深入的理解, 赞!

    2016-06-27 11:21:56

  • 94049329: very useful!tq

    2016-06-27 11:04:20

  • 90004071: very good and useful.Excellent

    2016-06-27 08:49:45

  • 90003043: 弘历太极原来这么强大!讲的太好了!

    2016-06-27 08:36:39

  • 94209405: very good

    2016-06-27 08:26:37

  • 94242469: Thank Q Master , Very good

    2016-06-27 08:18:42

  • 90004313: very good lesson. Thank you.

    2016-06-27 07:33:11

  • 90004061: very good

    2016-06-27 07:16:26

  • 90002794: Very Good and useful lesson. TQ

    2016-06-26 23:58:16

  • 90002669: 好极,Excellent

    2016-06-26 23:29:30

  • 90004339: very good . Thank you

    2016-06-26 23:19:20

  • 90000104: Very useful lesson I have learned. Thank you teacher.

    2016-06-26 23:17:37

  • 90000101: Very good. Useful and practical. Thank you, Master.

    2016-06-26 23:13:46

  • 90000101: 很好。让我对买卖点有更多的认识, 谢谢老师。

    2016-06-26 23:11:48

  • 90004683: 重要的K线转折点,决定我们的买卖点!转折点看的是阴和阳的信号,是买卖点,又是压力与支撑!炒股多轻松

    2016-06-26 22:52:29

  • 90004057: very good !

    2016-06-26 22:51:31

  • 90002950: very good and thank you

    2016-06-26 22:25:38

  • 90000481: very good. trading stock market really need strategy

    2016-06-26 22:18:50

  • 94016354: 講得好!太極太極,物極必反~

    2016-06-26 21:44:25

  • 90003129: quite good!

    2016-06-26 20:24:19

  • 90001418: good

    2016-06-26 20:06:33

  • 90000934: very very good. thank you

    2016-06-26 19:09:16

  • 90000891: good

    2016-06-26 18:42:23

  • 90001266: very very good

    2016-06-26 18:33:49

  • 90003705: very good.

    2016-06-26 18:09:02

  • 90002542: 谢谢让我更了解弘历太极的用法,及如何画

    2016-06-26 16:49:36

  • 90004216: 很棒,谢谢

    2016-06-26 16:20:07

  • 90002137: very good and useful

    2016-06-26 16:02:17

  • 90002584: 原来洪厉太极是这么好用,谢谢!

    2016-06-26 15:54:22

  • 90002584: 原来洪厉太极是这么好用,谢谢!

    2016-06-26 15:54:17

  • 90001962: very good

    2016-06-26 15:49:41

  • 90004753: clear explanation on taichi buy and sell point.GOOD

    2016-06-26 15:32:19

  • 90003171: every good

    2016-06-26 14:04:13

  • 90001999: Excellent sharing! Thanks

    2016-06-26 13:51:35

  • 90004010: 谢谢,棒!

    2016-06-26 13:41:45

  • 90000402: good. highlight buy n selll point

    2016-06-26 13:08:30

  • 90005435: 谢谢让我更了解弘历太极的用法,及如何画support and resistance line.

    2016-06-26 12:37:09

  • 90002031: 太極太好用.谢谢老师!very good

    2016-06-26 11:25:40

  • 90005357: good

    2016-06-26 10:04:15

  • 90001137: very good,learn buy and sell point,to be profitable all the time

    2016-06-26 09:45:33

  • 90001479: very good lesson

    2016-06-26 09:37:48

  • 94229654: very good

    2016-06-26 09:16:46

  • 90004827: good and thank you

    2016-06-26 07:48:28

  • 90000003: good

    2016-06-26 07:20:54

  • 90002775: good

    2016-06-26 04:53:13

  • 94253622: very detailed and easy to understand content.learned a lot.

    2016-06-26 01:49:56

  • 94253622: very detailed and easy to understand content.learned a lot.

    2016-06-26 01:49:48

  • 90003023: Excellent Sharing

    2016-06-26 01:47:23

  • 90005154: 很好的指标,谢谢分享!

    2016-06-26 01:26:15

  • 90005176: Very comprehensive on how I can use Taichi Signal as buy and sell point.

    2016-06-26 00:55:37

  • 90000421: Very Good

    2016-06-26 00:40:39

  • 90001137: very good,learn buy and sell point,to be profitable all the time

    2016-06-26 00:17:12

  • 90003025: Useful sharing. Good.

    2016-06-26 00:01:54

  • 94190802: learn buy & sell point

    2016-06-25 23:57:40

  • 94190802: learn buy & sell point

    2016-06-25 23:55:19

  • 94190802: good

    2016-06-25 23:54:23

  • 94190802: like it

    2016-06-25 23:54:10

  • 94190802: very cool...catch the bull soon

    2016-06-25 23:52:26

  • 90004245: very good very clear

    2016-06-25 23:21:44

  • 90001479: very very good

    2016-06-25 23:09:56

  • 90000011: Teach us how to catch the bull stocks

    2016-06-25 23:03:02

  • 90004837: clear explanation on taichi buy and sell point.GOOD

    2016-06-25 22:47:19

  • 90002863: 谢谢老师,期待您的课程程久啦!一级棒

    2016-06-25 22:36:40

  • 90004834: 太極,讲的太好,谢谢老师!

    2016-06-25 22:22:37

  • 90000092:

    2016-06-25 22:14:12

  • 90004023: Very Good.

    2016-06-25 21:54:20

  • 90004023: Very Good.

    2016-06-25 21:54:17

  • 90000143: good

    2016-06-25 21:53:18

  • 90005439: very good!

    2016-06-25 21:15:11

  • 90000003: good

    2016-06-25 21:09:10

  • 94105853: 老實講得好,用太極能看出支撐阻力,更容易做出買賣決定。

    2016-06-25 20:47:15

  • 90003702: very good, 太極

    2016-06-25 20:19:08

  • 94200162: very very good

    2016-06-25 20:14:50

  • 90002430: good and thanks

    2016-06-25 19:47:41

  • 90005476: Thanks for the sharing

    2016-06-25 19:45:47

  • 90004813: 讲的很好,谢谢老师,六绝后翻身!

    2016-06-25 19:40:07

  • 90000003: good

    2016-06-25 19:37:40

  • 90002502: very good video , thanks teacher!!

    2016-06-25 18:37:39

  • 94258025: Good, Thanks

    2016-06-25 17:57:49

  • 94257991: 太極好好用

    2016-06-25 17:55:35

  • 94255398: 真好,說的很好

    2016-06-25 17:53:38

  • 90003728: very very good

    2016-06-25 17:42:25

  • 90003728: very very good

    2016-06-25 17:42:24

  • 90003728: very very good

    2016-06-25 17:42:22

  • 90003728: very very good

    2016-06-25 17:42:20

  • 90003728: very very good

    2016-06-25 17:42:20

  • 90003728: very very good

    2016-06-25 17:42:16

  • 90000205: 利用弘历太极指标看支撑与阻力,能让股民更清析的分析,在买卖时更快的做出决策,谢谢老师的敎导

    2016-06-25 17:37:06

  • 94232955: 太好了,希望在六绝后可以翻身。

    2016-06-25 17:35:47

  • 90004753: 用弘历太极看拐点, 阻力与支撑, 以及选股! Very good.

    2016-06-25 17:08:37

  • 90000482: 用弘历太极看拐点, 阻力与支撑, 以及选股! 李强老师教得太好了. 一级棒!

    2016-06-25 16:29:48

  • 90003362: 讲的很好,很受益,谢谢老师。

    2016-06-25 15:29:38

  • 90002672:

    2016-06-25 14:10:48

  • 94204661: very good

    2016-06-25 14:05:35

  • 90004010: Very good lah

    2016-06-25 09:35:06

  • 90002229: very good lecture on Homily indicator.

    2016-06-25 00:58:46





