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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 每日一招
90006672: How to search for black horses in HomilyChart? Great lesson and idea!
2017-03-03 19:39:03
90006672: Great lesson!
2017-03-03 19:37:49
90003287: 第一次聽黑馬成長,很有用
2017-02-23 06:50:33
90004134: very detail explained. Thanks
2017-02-21 02:05:41
90006144: 谢谢老师的细心讲解黑马成长的摇篮
2017-02-20 19:14:10
90003149: very very good
2017-02-20 13:34:06
90003310: 很不錯、實用、謝謝老師。
2017-02-19 23:40:59
90006386: 第一次聽杨胜军老師的課...跟踪黑馬啟點對我很有用...
2017-01-31 18:15:22
94274919: 不錯,獲益良多,謝謝老師
2017-01-23 16:06:41
90001105: Good lesson.
2016-10-02 03:56:57
90003860: very interesting. thanks teacher
2016-08-24 09:08:14
90000058: Very good very useful
2016-08-22 14:50:31
90003006: 很好很好。。。。说的太好了。
2016-08-21 16:11:06
94157842: like very good
2016-08-21 13:48:47
90003006: Thanks you. very good.
2016-08-21 09:48:44
90000106: Good lesson
2016-08-07 02:33:46
90005496: Very impressive.Learnt
2016-08-02 18:17:33
90000934: Thank you for the sharing. very helpful.. thanks you
2016-07-28 23:41:13
90000858: Very good lesson.
2016-07-21 23:48:02
90001694: Very good. I enjoyed the lesson.
2016-07-13 22:35:22
90005496: very very good
2016-07-12 16:32:48
90005588: 利用弘历彩虹和六彩神龙来验证黑马的完美呈现
2016-07-10 17:40:29
94229225: good thanks
2016-07-10 11:17:28
90005560: 清楚,明确。容易明白!
2016-07-07 18:34:41
90004314: 黑马的形与势。解释得清楚。赞
2016-07-03 23:26:19
90005463: Thank for the teaching.
2016-07-01 11:17:42
90001212: too good to be missed.
2016-07-01 09:15:47
90004364: good
2016-07-01 02:08:59
90000143: good
2016-06-30 18:25:07
90001212: I really like it.
2016-06-28 15:11:06
90002430: Good slides and teaching. Thank you very much!
2016-06-27 15:57:59
90005476: Thanks for the wonderful sharing
2016-06-25 19:49:28
90002994: 谢谢老师的分享,讲解的非常详细
2016-06-24 23:11:14
90002638: good, thanks
2016-06-24 22:00:00
94232955: 我记得已经播放过了。
2016-06-24 21:03:44
90000421: Very Good
2016-06-23 23:17:36
90001137: very goog and interesting,i wiil use it as my strategy.thanks
2016-06-23 21:29:14
90004170: 讲解的非常详细,谢谢老师
2016-06-23 21:11:55
90000934: 谢谢老师的分享。很有用。谢谢
2016-06-23 16:59:08
90002139: very clear and simple. Thanks.
2016-06-23 12:48:59
90005445: 老师的声调不温不火,正如投资不急不躁
2016-06-22 23:43:45
2016-06-22 14:28:11
90004339: excellent lesson to learn how to determine long term, mid term and short term trade....very good
2016-06-21 15:26:56
90000953: ..G00d
2016-06-21 05:26:04
90003657: very good lesson
2016-06-21 04:58:59
90003519: ya讲得不错!很中肯!nglaoshi
2016-06-20 14:04:19
90000934: very useful and informative.. good lessons for all of us. thank you
2016-06-20 13:13:57
90001479: very good lesson
2016-06-20 12:48:37
94253622: 楊老師講得不錯, good
2016-06-20 02:39:42
94253622: 楊老師講得very good
2016-06-20 02:29:25
90001479: very good and useful.
2016-06-19 22:58:17
90002632: good
2016-06-19 21:11:08
90003765: very good
2016-06-19 15:02:21
94229225: 这个视频让我学了不少知识😍😍😍
2016-06-19 14:32:22
94019133: Good learning good advice
2016-06-19 14:31:20
94190213: 真的太好这些课让我学到不少
2016-06-19 02:36:42
90001393: very very good
2016-06-18 18:46:03
90001962: very good
2016-06-18 17:36:39
90001426: 弘历基础知识 good
2016-06-18 13:51:31
90005176: Very Good.
2016-06-18 08:48:26
90001418: good
2016-06-18 07:23:29
90004071: very useful and good.
2016-06-17 23:20:08
90001962: good
2016-06-17 18:14:38
90000934: 很好的分享,学习了很多。感谢。!!
2016-06-17 16:48:23
90004438: 很棒很棒很棒很棒很棒
2016-06-17 15:52:15
2016-06-17 12:09:40
90002957: very good
2016-06-17 11:33:24
90000937: very good
2016-06-17 10:39:23
90001479: very good
2016-06-17 06:45:23
90002794: very good. keep it up...
2016-06-16 19:49:48
90000934: very good
2016-06-16 19:24:36
2016-06-16 18:38:24
90002157: very good
2016-06-16 18:19:00
94259591: good
2016-06-16 16:59:46
90005073: Homily Rainbow MCD, dark horse no place to hide!!!!
2016-06-16 14:33:03
90003657: this lesson is good for technical skill analysis improve.
2016-06-16 07:44:11
90002229: good for all
2016-06-16 01:48:42
90000934: 很好。谢谢
2016-06-15 23:32:36
90002632: not bad
2016-06-15 23:04:22
90003088: 非常棒的一堂课,对于弘历彩虹及六彩神龙的运用更上一层楼。听了杨胜军老师的课,我们也可以成为股市的长胜军了!
2016-06-15 23:00:28
90002999: It is great lecture!
2016-06-15 22:29:29
90000825: very good
2016-06-15 14:59:47
2016-06-15 07:30:14
90002775: Good Matching HRB n MCD follow Dark Horse Share...Very Good
2016-06-15 06:44:27
94105853: 講的很好,容易明白,六彩神龍確實很好用。
2016-06-15 01:51:16
90000101: Very good. I like the lesson.
2016-06-14 23:34:16
90001479: good
2016-06-14 22:48:09
90003866: this is very important technique to learn
2016-06-14 22:44:42
90004313: good lah
2016-06-14 22:32:55
90002927: 宝贵的一课,点了5个LIKE,谢谢你
2016-06-14 22:17:51
90004201: fantastic! i have learned a lot from it.
2016-06-14 19:52:16
94255398: I think it is good for people who need to understand it.
2016-06-14 19:17:04
90001896: 好!要懂得在对的时机参与,不要以赌徒的心态无知的去买股票
2016-06-14 16:29:53
94052568: very good
2016-06-14 13:16:10
90002950: very good and thank you
2016-06-14 11:34:58
90003373: very good
2016-06-14 09:36:01
90000934: 很棒的分享!谢谢。
2016-06-14 09:08:40
94258025: Good
2016-06-13 23:53:08
90000092: very very good
2016-06-13 23:07:20
90005463: Fantastic and very good too. Thank for teaching.
2016-06-13 21:34:47
2016-06-13 20:08:42
94242469: Very Good and thank for sharing
2016-06-13 17:16:50
90002845: very good
2016-06-13 15:15:22
90002845: vrery good
2016-06-13 15:14:52
90000134: good good,
2016-06-13 14:45:58
90000134: good
2016-06-13 14:37:47
2016-06-13 14:37:46
2016-06-13 10:40:30
90003129: Good!
2016-06-13 10:35:07
90000934: 很好的分析和解释。谢谢。
2016-06-13 08:50:20
2016-06-13 05:19:00
2016-06-13 01:01:55
90003195: 更了解黑马的成长过程
2016-06-12 23:53:31
90003195: 更了黑马的成
2016-06-12 23:50:39
90005317: Clear explanation. Good.
2016-06-12 23:28:13
90002637: good
2016-06-12 21:41:42
90002638: good
2016-06-12 21:40:22
2016-06-12 20:42:00
94257991: Very Good
2016-06-12 16:50:06
94257991: Good
2016-06-12 16:49:29
90002293: good
2016-06-12 16:43:16
94232354: 好的
2016-06-12 16:16:48
90002669: Excellent.. 谢谢杨老师
2016-06-12 15:51:43
94010926: 不错的技术分析.
2016-06-12 15:09:43
94010926: 讲得很好,不错的技术分析
2016-06-12 15:09:29
94000784: The methods taught in stock selection is very useful.
2016-06-12 15:03:28
90000666: Good revision for the homily rainbow indicator.
2016-06-12 14:54:14
90003601: 看好像很容易用起来卻有些難
2016-06-12 14:02:09
90004010: Very Good
2016-06-12 13:44:54
2016-06-12 13:22:17
90004313: good lah!
2016-06-12 10:49:46
2016-06-12 10:28:27
90002157: Very good
2016-06-12 10:12:41
90000299: very goog
2016-06-12 09:33:55
2016-06-12 09:23:42
2016-06-12 07:07:25
90001418: very very good
2016-06-12 05:10:33
90003793: excellent! we appreciate your continuous innovative explanation to make us understand better. Pls keep it up. Big thank you.
2016-06-12 00:59:29
90002722: 好!赞! Thank u!
2016-06-11 23:12:35
90005482: Good
2016-06-11 23:10:21
90004472: 不错的技术分析,非常适合大多数股民。
2016-06-11 22:39:19
90004313: very good. Thanks for sharing
2016-06-11 22:21:00
94204661: very good
2016-06-11 22:02:56
90002584: 有老师不断的帮我们重复复习,真的感谢!
2016-06-11 21:28:28
2016-06-11 21:28:25
90005352: very good sharing, love it so much
2016-06-11 21:03:33
2016-06-11 20:41:27
90005357: very nice
2016-06-11 20:25:52
90003023: Very good. I have learned a lot
2016-06-11 20:10:01
90000003: good
2016-06-11 20:00:53
90001610: very good, thank you
2016-06-11 19:29:55
2016-06-11 19:05:31
30002285: good
2016-06-11 18:43:29
90004216: 很好
2016-06-11 18:25:12
90005049: good
2016-06-11 18:12:20
90002638: Refreshing.
2016-06-11 17:47:50
90003729: Very nice and good learning video :)
2016-06-11 17:20:46
94231466: good
2016-06-11 17:03:34
90003006: Useful Point for our investor. Recommended for watch.
2016-06-11 15:50:21
2016-06-11 15:44:39
2016-06-11 15:43:13
2016-06-11 15:42:35
94246033: very good
2016-06-11 14:49:07
30001740: 123
2016-06-11 14:00:20
90004837: excellent lesson for catching future black horse
2016-06-11 13:38:29
90001926: very good and useful.
2016-06-11 12:57:28
2016-06-11 12:13:42
90004009: a good lecture
2016-06-11 12:08:40
2016-06-11 12:08:36
94016354: 楊老師講得不錯!!
2016-06-11 12:02:37
94006440: Good!Gain knowledege from this!
2016-06-11 11:29:19
90000205: good
2016-06-11 11:27:28
90000481: good
2016-06-11 11:24:01
90001418: good good
2016-06-11 10:25:34
90000451: Good!
2016-06-11 10:20:23
2016-06-11 09:47:57
90004010: 棒,赞
2016-06-11 09:42:01
90005439: Very Good!
2016-06-11 07:52:17
90003312: valuable lessons for outstation members for self learning via video clips.
2016-06-11 07:38:00
90000648: 非常棒.赞…
2016-06-11 01:25:38
90002259: 赞。买股知识进一步提升
2016-06-11 00:59:36
90001982: good
2016-06-11 00:09:51
90002950: very good
2016-06-10 23:01:14
90001266: good
2016-06-10 23:00:05
2016-06-10 23:00:03
90003435: good
2016-06-10 22:36:03
90000299: very good
2016-06-10 22:32:14
90002472: Very good
2016-06-10 22:06:59
2016-06-10 22:06:58
90000090: good
2016-06-10 21:11:44
90001393: Excellent Good
2016-06-10 21:10:15
90000934: good sharing
2016-06-10 20:36:11
90003705: Very good !
2016-06-10 19:57:04
90001426: 很好
2016-06-10 19:02:09
90000292: goood knowledge
2016-06-10 16:49:36
90001418: 很好 .good good
2016-06-10 16:19:38
90005431: very Good
2016-06-10 15:54:43
2016-06-10 15:54:35
90001962: very goog
2016-06-10 15:47:39
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:43
2016-06-10 15:43:42
2016-06-10 15:43:32
2016-06-10 15:43:31
2016-06-10 15:43:30
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:43:10
2016-06-10 15:43:09
2016-06-10 15:42:47
2016-06-10 15:41:22
2016-06-10 15:41:21
2016-06-10 15:41:16
90002759: very good lesson
2016-06-10 14:58:30
90004048: good lesson.
2016-06-10 13:36:29
90001212: very useful and good
2016-06-10 13:31:57
90002031: very good
2016-06-10 13:28:04
90004115: Clearly expained how good stocks look like. Thank you.
2016-06-10 13:08:56
90000481: good!
2016-06-10 12:51:24
90001926: Very good & useful.
2016-06-10 12:50:22
90000205: 这课程讲的能让我在买卖操作时,更轻易的去操作,受益不浅,谢谢老师分享。
2016-06-10 12:46:04
90002259: 聆听杨老师的分析,买卖能更有把握
2016-06-10 12:21:16
2016-06-10 12:08:00
2016-06-10 11:46:35
90004170: 老师说:总结才能够得到提升,才能化为经验在股市成长,受教了,谢谢老师
2016-06-10 11:38:22
2016-06-10 11:34:41
90004313: very good. pls share more vidoe
2016-06-10 11:34:18
90005050: Fantastic info and coaching!
2016-06-10 11:29:47
90000104: Very useful lesson that I have learned from Homily. Thank so much for all the teachers that have coaching me.
2016-06-10 10:41:06
90000934: valuable lesson ! thank you very much
2016-06-10 10:33:36
90000101: Great. good lesson. I gain a lot of knowledge from it. Keep it up. Thank you teacher!
2016-06-10 10:31:55
90005237: good lesson
2016-06-10 10:20:03
90001610: very good, I am impressed
2016-06-10 09:33:27
90004827: good
2016-06-10 09:01:26
2016-06-10 08:32:40
2016-06-10 07:25:12
2016-06-10 07:11:49
90005352: 学习过程,一定会有很多盲点,盲点一通必然会加快成功的速度感恩老师分享。thx homily
2016-06-10 06:37:31
94240385: 非常好的課程帮助我怎样把握買賣奌的时机謝謝。
2016-06-10 02:41:25
94240385: 学会了解决了我何时買荧
2016-06-10 02:30:23
94240385: 学会了这方法能帮助我决定買赏
2016-06-10 02:28:39
90000292: from 90000292 it is very good knowleddge
2016-06-10 01:32:12
90000185: 好
2016-06-10 01:12:17
90000092: Simply Explicit looking at the picture alone really move the market
2016-06-10 01:11:52
2016-06-10 00:39:52
90002933: very good
2016-06-10 00:36:04
90003025: Good
2016-06-10 00:28:42
2016-06-10 00:24:15
90002031: 杨老师仔细地分析,黑马股的特征和用什么方法扑捉黑马,受益菲浅。能让我更把握操作,谢谢老师
2016-06-10 00:19:27
90001426: Good
2016-06-09 23:50:07
2016-06-09 23:45:40
90000058: very good
2016-06-09 23:43:02
90000481: good. thank you
2016-06-09 23:31:22
90004827: good, most appreciated.
2016-06-09 23:27:31
90001418: very good
2016-06-09 23:22:40
30002285: good. just what i need
2016-06-09 23:17:20
90000402: very gd
2016-06-09 23:10:43
90000104: verygood
2016-06-09 23:05:49
90004245: 90004245 very good
2016-06-09 23:03:49
90001212: very good
2016-06-09 22:49:12
2016-06-09 22:44:11
90004049: good
2016-06-09 22:06:04
90000109: Explanations are very clear and systematic.
2016-06-09 22:03:45
94200162: good
2016-06-09 22:01:20
90001926: very good & useful.
2016-06-09 21:57:25
2016-06-09 21:46:07
90004313: very good. I like
2016-06-09 21:44:56
90000934: i learnt alot. thank you very much
2016-06-09 21:18:16
94049329: very useful. well done.
2016-06-09 21:12:39
94018733: very good. tq
2016-06-09 21:03:45
90000101: Very good. I like it. Keep it up. Thank you!!!
2016-06-09 20:50:31
90000205: very good ilike lt thank you
2016-06-09 20:17:04
90001982: 赞
2016-06-09 20:00:11
2016-06-09 19:44:36
90003129: good
2016-06-09 18:54:12
2016-06-09 18:53:22
90003964: good
2016-06-09 18:52:03
2016-06-09 18:11:13
2016-06-09 17:49:43
90004478: 老师说的太棒了,非常仔细的说明重点,而且放大说明一些小细节和如何跟踪股价的后续
2016-06-09 17:41:07
90005237: very good. Thks
2016-06-09 16:33:19
2016-06-09 15:52:06
90002281: 明确的弘历彩虹讲解
2016-06-09 15:50:29
90000581: Is good to have a correct concept and attitude before enter into stock market.This is a good place for learning.Keep on all my teachers.
2016-06-09 15:48:27
2016-06-09 15:48:23
2016-06-09 15:47:28
90005073: Homily Rainbow MCD, this combination help me monitor and keep track my counters easily.
2016-06-09 15:25:32
90001610: excellent! very good in explanation
2016-06-09 15:13:56
90003728: 非常感谢老師。
2016-06-09 15:04:42
90000101: 很好。谢谢杨老师,给我们带来了精彩的课程。
2016-06-09 13:57:24
2016-06-09 13:36:15
94092444: 谢谢,杨老师。
2016-06-09 13:21:20
90004283: 八大金股以弘历彩虹和六彩神龙精彩回放,让我们有迹可循去挖掘未来真正属于自己的金股和金库!
2016-06-09 13:16:43
90003860: good
2016-06-09 13:02:57
90004313: good
2016-06-09 12:42:45
90004313: very good. I like it
2016-06-09 12:41:33
90001027: 彩虹线可帮我们判断股票的趋势
2016-06-09 12:23:42
90004723: One of the best coaching video I have watched... precise, clearly labelled and very consistent speech. Recording is excellent. 赞!
2016-06-09 12:03:08
90002481: Thanks for the sharing, 让我获益匪浅, keep up the good works.
2016-06-09 12:00:43
90000812: very good
2016-06-09 11:23:41
90002863: Excellent
2016-06-09 11:13:18
90002259: 老师精辟的讲解, 让我获益匪浅,赞!
2016-06-09 11:11:10
90002259: 老师精辟
2016-06-09 11:06:33
2016-06-09 11:06:31
90000205: homily is very good
2016-06-09 10:03:21
90000104: Amazing. I learned a lot from Homily chart and from the teachers. Thank you teachers.
2016-06-09 09:50:02
90000101: Homily Chart is a very good software. I benefited so much. I truly appreciate the teachers also.
2016-06-09 09:40:52
94010926: 谢谢老师分享
2016-06-09 09:21:30
90000934: 学了很多。谢谢。。。
2016-06-09 09:11:29
90000205: 弘历近来开新课,能给会员很大的帮助,能让我更把握操作,谢谢老师
2016-06-09 08:56:49
90003043: Very good sharing, thank you!
2016-06-09 06:51:20
90001012: 杨老师仔细地分析,娓娓倒出黑马股的特征和用什么方法扑捉黑马,受益菲浅。
2016-06-09 06:40:09
90001393: Well Done. Good
2016-06-09 06:36:19
90000205: 弘历软件有特色的功能,捕捉黑马的啟动点,让股民有获利
2016-06-09 05:55:09
90000482: 深入浅出的讲解了用两个弘历特色功能捕捉及跟踪黑马, 赞!
2016-06-09 03:16:12
94190802: homily rainbow is amazing 👍
2016-06-09 02:14:01
2016-06-09 01:26:54
90005352: homily is very good
2016-06-09 01:25:27
90005352: 爬山要懂得山性,游水要懂得水性,做股市要懂得行情,趋势。感恩老师不断提醒我们先大后小,先长后小。让我们小股票成才,成长。谢谢你
2016-06-09 01:24:46
90005352: 天天有不同的行情,是股票市场的一个重要特征,但行情的变化是有轨迹可寻的,股民若掌握了这种轨迹,必能百战百胜。
2016-06-09 01:18:56
90000185: good
2016-06-09 00:40:19
90000011: Like
2016-06-09 00:22:20
2016-06-09 00:02:00
90002421: good
2016-06-08 23:59:55
2016-06-08 23:54:58
90005406: 概率真的很重要啊,谢谢老师的讲解
2016-06-08 23:41:19
90004837: Good.Clearly explained how to catch Black Horse.
2016-06-08 23:39:00
90005237: very good.
2016-06-08 23:38:58
94190802: Good! I will catch the dark knight soon after this lesson
2016-06-08 23:36:00
90002978: 黑马成长的摇篮=弘历彩虹线向上多头排列 六彩神龙红柱>50 棒极了!!!赞 !!!
2016-06-08 23:35:59
2016-06-08 23:34:45
94239907: 弘历不断地安排课程,真的给会员很大的帮助。也帮助了我不断地提升了自信和能力。谢谢了。
2016-06-08 23:33:08
90004896: very good
2016-06-08 23:29:53
90002863: 可以开始去抓黑马啦。一级棒课程。谢谢。
2016-06-08 23:29:29
90001418: 很好good
2016-06-08 23:29:28
90001418: .very good
2016-06-08 23:24:42
90000101: 真棒👍弘历 软件功能非凡,令我更有信心操作股票!
2016-06-08 23:22:26
90002502: very good !thanks teacher
2016-06-08 23:12:32
90004049: insightful thanks
2016-06-08 23:12:25
90005439: Very Good! Clear and useful.
2016-06-08 23:10:28
90005154: 很好的理念,谢谢分享!
2016-06-08 23:09:54
90003395: good
2016-06-08 22:59:29
94129403: HRB quite useful in understanding up down trend from short to long term. All in one....
2016-06-08 22:50:40
90003362: 理念正确最重要,谢谢。
2016-06-08 22:46:43
90002330: 说的真好! 恨时间太短。
2016-06-08 22:46:19
90000101: 非常好!这课程帮助我更好掌握了投资技巧,谢谢了!!!
2016-06-08 22:46:12
2016-06-08 22:43:51
94229654: Good
2016-06-08 22:43:50
94209405: very good
2016-06-08 22:41:12
90004813: 老师讲的很好
2016-06-08 22:40:05
90001137: very good
2016-06-08 22:34:08
90000994: good
2016-06-08 22:31:07
90002637: Lesson is interesting.
2016-06-08 22:24:04
90003171: 很好
2016-06-08 22:22:52
2016-06-08 22:22:46
90004827: very good.
2016-06-08 22:21:54
90004216: Good
2016-06-08 22:20:54
90004057: good
2016-06-08 22:19:00
90004522: very good, need more ....please .Good !
2016-06-08 22:18:51
90001982: sound muffled but overall still good and informative
2016-06-08 22:15:19
90000101: Amazing. Through continue learning I believe that I have gained some successful trade. Thank you teacher.
2016-06-08 22:13:14
2016-06-08 22:06:53
90000934: 很好
2016-06-08 22:05:30
90002672: good
2016-06-08 22:04:26
90000104: Very good. I have more confidence on trading. Thank you teacher.
2016-06-08 22:03:51
90004171: very good
2016-06-08 22:03:44
90003292: very good. Worth listening
2016-06-08 22:02:40
90003702: 先大后小,先长后短,做熟不做生.老师讲的很好
2016-06-08 21:45:16
94232955: 杨老师,了解到你是用西洋历法的月份来做统计的。 有没有考虑用周数或其他历法来做统计?
2016-06-08 21:19:14
2016-06-08 21:17:34
2016-06-08 21:15:23
90004313: good..but sound a little unclear sometimes
2016-06-08 20:58:59
90004683: 所以先大后小,先长后短,做熟不做生 !
2016-06-08 20:45:50
90000205: 老师讲的很好,谢谢分享
2016-06-08 20:44:03
90004683: 博的就是概率,概率大的时候,我们才去参与博弈!
2016-06-08 20:43:40
90001999: very insightful sharing, thanks!
2016-06-08 20:43:37
94200162: wow so good
2016-06-08 20:32:37
90004057: very good
2016-06-08 20:31:34
90004834: Very Good...
2016-06-08 20:30:45
2016-06-08 20:28:33
90004753: very good
2016-06-08 20:09:19
90004915: 一路来 我们多是把重点放在個股 非常謝謝弘历教導先大後小 现在也注意個板塊的表现
2016-06-08 20:08:50
2016-06-08 19:58:16
90001393: Very Good...
2016-06-08 19:53:51
90000205: very good
2016-06-08 19:51:54
2016-06-08 19:39:58
90004061: very good
2016-06-08 19:06:37
90006672: How to search for black horses in HomilyChart? Great lesson and idea!
2017-03-03 19:39:03
90006672: Great lesson!
2017-03-03 19:37:49
90006672: Great lesson!
2017-03-03 19:37:49
90003287: 第一次聽黑馬成長,很有用
2017-02-23 06:50:33
90004134: very detail explained. Thanks
2017-02-21 02:05:41
90006144: 谢谢老师的细心讲解黑马成长的摇篮
2017-02-20 19:14:10
90003149: very very good
2017-02-20 13:34:06
90003310: 很不錯、實用、謝謝老師。
2017-02-19 23:40:59
90006386: 第一次聽杨胜军老師的課...跟踪黑馬啟點對我很有用...
2017-01-31 18:15:22
94274919: 不錯,獲益良多,謝謝老師
2017-01-23 16:06:41
90001105: Good lesson.
2016-10-02 03:56:57
90003860: very interesting. thanks teacher
2016-08-24 09:08:14
90000058: Very good very useful
2016-08-22 14:50:31
90003006: 很好很好。。。。说的太好了。
2016-08-21 16:11:06
94157842: like very good
2016-08-21 13:48:47
90003006: Thanks you. very good.
2016-08-21 09:48:44
90000106: Good lesson
2016-08-07 02:33:46
90005496: Very impressive.Learnt
2016-08-02 18:17:33
90000934: Thank you for the sharing. very helpful.. thanks you
2016-07-28 23:41:13
90000858: Very good lesson.
2016-07-21 23:48:02
90001694: Very good. I enjoyed the lesson.
2016-07-13 22:35:22
90005496: very very good
2016-07-12 16:32:48
90005588: 利用弘历彩虹和六彩神龙来验证黑马的完美呈现
2016-07-10 17:40:29
94229225: good thanks
2016-07-10 11:17:28
90005560: 清楚,明确。容易明白!
2016-07-07 18:34:41
90004314: 黑马的形与势。解释得清楚。赞
2016-07-03 23:26:19
90005463: Thank for the teaching.
2016-07-01 11:17:42
90001212: too good to be missed.
2016-07-01 09:15:47
90004364: good
2016-07-01 02:08:59
90000143: good
2016-06-30 18:25:07
90001212: I really like it.
2016-06-28 15:11:06
90002430: Good slides and teaching. Thank you very much!
2016-06-27 15:57:59
90005476: Thanks for the wonderful sharing
2016-06-25 19:49:28
90002994: 谢谢老师的分享,讲解的非常详细
2016-06-24 23:11:14
90002638: good, thanks
2016-06-24 22:00:00
94232955: 我记得已经播放过了。
2016-06-24 21:03:44
90000421: Very Good
2016-06-23 23:17:36
90001137: very goog and interesting,i wiil use it as my strategy.thanks
2016-06-23 21:29:14
90004170: 讲解的非常详细,谢谢老师
2016-06-23 21:11:55
90000934: 谢谢老师的分享。很有用。谢谢
2016-06-23 16:59:08
90002139: very clear and simple. Thanks.
2016-06-23 12:48:59
90005445: 老师的声调不温不火,正如投资不急不躁
2016-06-22 23:43:45
2016-06-22 14:28:11
90004339: excellent lesson to learn how to determine long term, mid term and short term trade....very good
2016-06-21 15:26:56
90000953: ..G00d
2016-06-21 05:26:04
90003657: very good lesson
2016-06-21 04:58:59
90003519: ya讲得不错!很中肯!nglaoshi
2016-06-20 14:04:19
90000934: very useful and informative.. good lessons for all of us. thank you
2016-06-20 13:13:57
90001479: very good lesson
2016-06-20 12:48:37
94253622: 楊老師講得不錯, good
2016-06-20 02:39:42
94253622: 楊老師講得very good
2016-06-20 02:29:25
90001479: very good and useful.
2016-06-19 22:58:17
90002632: good
2016-06-19 21:11:08
90003765: very good
2016-06-19 15:02:21
94229225: 这个视频让我学了不少知识😍😍😍
2016-06-19 14:32:22
94019133: Good learning good advice
2016-06-19 14:31:20
94190213: 真的太好这些课让我学到不少
2016-06-19 02:36:42
90001393: very very good
2016-06-18 18:46:03
90001962: very good
2016-06-18 17:36:39
90001426: 弘历基础知识 good
2016-06-18 13:51:31
90005176: Very Good.
2016-06-18 08:48:26
90001418: good
2016-06-18 07:23:29
90004071: very useful and good.
2016-06-17 23:20:08
90001962: good
2016-06-17 18:14:38
90000934: 很好的分享,学习了很多。感谢。!!
2016-06-17 16:48:23
90004438: 很棒很棒很棒很棒很棒
2016-06-17 15:52:15
90001962: good
2016-06-17 12:09:40
90002957: very good
2016-06-17 11:33:24
90000937: very good
2016-06-17 10:39:23
90001479: very good
2016-06-17 06:45:23
90002794: very good. keep it up...
2016-06-16 19:49:48
90000934: very good
2016-06-16 19:24:36
90001962: good
2016-06-16 18:38:24
90002157: very good
2016-06-16 18:19:00
94259591: good
2016-06-16 16:59:46
90005073: Homily Rainbow MCD, dark horse no place to hide!!!!
2016-06-16 14:33:03
90003657: this lesson is good for technical skill analysis improve.
2016-06-16 07:44:11
90002229: good for all
2016-06-16 01:48:42
90000934: 很好。谢谢
2016-06-15 23:32:36
90002632: not bad
2016-06-15 23:04:22
90003088: 非常棒的一堂课,对于弘历彩虹及六彩神龙的运用更上一层楼。听了杨胜军老师的课,我们也可以成为股市的长胜军了!
2016-06-15 23:00:28
90002999: It is great lecture!
2016-06-15 22:29:29
90000825: very good
2016-06-15 14:59:47
90001479: very good
2016-06-15 07:30:14
90002775: Good Matching HRB n MCD follow Dark Horse Share...Very Good
2016-06-15 06:44:27
94105853: 講的很好,容易明白,六彩神龍確實很好用。
2016-06-15 01:51:16
90000101: Very good. I like the lesson.
2016-06-14 23:34:16
90001479: good
2016-06-14 22:48:09
90003866: this is very important technique to learn
2016-06-14 22:44:42
90004313: good lah
2016-06-14 22:32:55
90002927: 宝贵的一课,点了5个LIKE,谢谢你
2016-06-14 22:17:51
90004201: fantastic! i have learned a lot from it.
2016-06-14 19:52:16
94255398: I think it is good for people who need to understand it.
2016-06-14 19:17:04
90001896: 好!要懂得在对的时机参与,不要以赌徒的心态无知的去买股票
2016-06-14 16:29:53
94052568: very good
2016-06-14 13:16:10
90002950: very good and thank you
2016-06-14 11:34:58
90003373: very good
2016-06-14 09:36:01
90000934: 很棒的分享!谢谢。
2016-06-14 09:08:40
94258025: Good
2016-06-13 23:53:08
90000092: very very good
2016-06-13 23:07:20
90005463: Fantastic and very good too. Thank for teaching.
2016-06-13 21:34:47
90001479: very good
2016-06-13 20:08:42
94242469: Very Good and thank for sharing
2016-06-13 17:16:50
90002845: very good
2016-06-13 15:15:22
90002845: vrery good
2016-06-13 15:14:52
90002845: vrery good
2016-06-13 15:14:52
90000134: good good,
2016-06-13 14:45:58
90000134: good
2016-06-13 14:37:47
90000134: good
2016-06-13 14:37:46
90000134: good
2016-06-13 14:37:46
2016-06-13 10:40:30
90003129: Good!
2016-06-13 10:35:07
90000934: 很好的分析和解释。谢谢。
2016-06-13 08:50:20
90001962: good
2016-06-13 05:19:00
2016-06-13 01:01:55
90003195: 更了解黑马的成长过程
2016-06-12 23:53:31
90003195: 更了黑马的成
2016-06-12 23:50:39
90005317: Clear explanation. Good.
2016-06-12 23:28:13
90002637: good
2016-06-12 21:41:42
90002638: good
2016-06-12 21:40:22
90001479: very good
2016-06-12 20:42:00
94257991: Very Good
2016-06-12 16:50:06
94257991: Good
2016-06-12 16:49:29
90002293: good
2016-06-12 16:43:16
94232354: 好的
2016-06-12 16:16:48
90002669: Excellent.. 谢谢杨老师
2016-06-12 15:51:43
94010926: 不错的技术分析.
2016-06-12 15:09:43
94010926: 讲得很好,不错的技术分析
2016-06-12 15:09:29
94000784: The methods taught in stock selection is very useful.
2016-06-12 15:03:28
90000666: Good revision for the homily rainbow indicator.
2016-06-12 14:54:14
90003601: 看好像很容易用起来卻有些難
2016-06-12 14:02:09
90004010: Very Good
2016-06-12 13:44:54
2016-06-12 13:22:17
90004313: good lah!
2016-06-12 10:49:46
90000143: good
2016-06-12 10:28:27
90002157: Very good
2016-06-12 10:12:41
90000299: very goog
2016-06-12 09:33:55
90001962: good
2016-06-12 09:23:42
90001418: good
2016-06-12 07:07:25
90001418: very very good
2016-06-12 05:10:33
90003793: excellent! we appreciate your continuous innovative explanation to make us understand better. Pls keep it up. Big thank you.
2016-06-12 00:59:29
90002722: 好!赞! Thank u!
2016-06-11 23:12:35
90005482: Good
2016-06-11 23:10:21
90004472: 不错的技术分析,非常适合大多数股民。
2016-06-11 22:39:19
90004313: very good. Thanks for sharing
2016-06-11 22:21:00
94204661: very good
2016-06-11 22:02:56
90002584: 有老师不断的帮我们重复复习,真的感谢!
2016-06-11 21:28:28
90002584: 有老师不断的帮我们重复复习,真的感谢!
2016-06-11 21:28:25
90005352: very good sharing, love it so much
2016-06-11 21:03:33
90004364: good
2016-06-11 20:41:27
90005357: very nice
2016-06-11 20:25:52
90003023: Very good. I have learned a lot
2016-06-11 20:10:01
90000003: good
2016-06-11 20:00:53
90001610: very good, thank you
2016-06-11 19:29:55
90001418: good
2016-06-11 19:05:31
30002285: good
2016-06-11 18:43:29
90004216: 很好
2016-06-11 18:25:12
90005049: good
2016-06-11 18:12:20
90002638: Refreshing.
2016-06-11 17:47:50
90003729: Very nice and good learning video :)
2016-06-11 17:20:46
94231466: good
2016-06-11 17:03:34
90003006: Useful Point for our investor. Recommended for watch.
2016-06-11 15:50:21
90000003: good
2016-06-11 15:44:39
90000003: good
2016-06-11 15:43:13
90000003: good
2016-06-11 15:42:35
94246033: very good
2016-06-11 14:49:07
30001740: 123
2016-06-11 14:00:20
90004837: excellent lesson for catching future black horse
2016-06-11 13:38:29
90001926: very good and useful.
2016-06-11 12:57:28
90001926: very good and useful.
2016-06-11 12:57:28
90001418: good
2016-06-11 12:13:42
90004009: a good lecture
2016-06-11 12:08:40
90004009: a good lecture
2016-06-11 12:08:40
90004009: a good lecture
2016-06-11 12:08:36
94016354: 楊老師講得不錯!!
2016-06-11 12:02:37
94006440: Good!Gain knowledege from this!
2016-06-11 11:29:19
90000205: good
2016-06-11 11:27:28
90000481: good
2016-06-11 11:24:01
90001418: good good
2016-06-11 10:25:34
90000451: Good!
2016-06-11 10:20:23
90001962: very good
2016-06-11 09:47:57
90004010: 棒,赞
2016-06-11 09:42:01
90005439: Very Good!
2016-06-11 07:52:17
90003312: valuable lessons for outstation members for self learning via video clips.
2016-06-11 07:38:00
90000648: 非常棒.赞…
2016-06-11 01:25:38
90002259: 赞。买股知识进一步提升
2016-06-11 00:59:36
90001982: good
2016-06-11 00:09:51
90002950: very good
2016-06-10 23:01:14
90001266: good
2016-06-10 23:00:05
90001266: good
2016-06-10 23:00:03
90003435: good
2016-06-10 22:36:03
90000299: very good
2016-06-10 22:32:14
90002472: Very good
2016-06-10 22:06:59
90002472: Very good
2016-06-10 22:06:58
90000090: good
2016-06-10 21:11:44
90001393: Excellent Good
2016-06-10 21:10:15
90000934: good sharing
2016-06-10 20:36:11
90003705: Very good !
2016-06-10 19:57:04
90001426: 很好
2016-06-10 19:02:09
90000292: goood knowledge
2016-06-10 16:49:36
90001418: 很好 .good good
2016-06-10 16:19:38
90005431: very Good
2016-06-10 15:54:43
90005431: very Good
2016-06-10 15:54:35
90001962: very goog
2016-06-10 15:47:39
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:43
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:43
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:42
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:32
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:32
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:32
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:32
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:31
90000011: very good
2016-06-10 15:43:30
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:43:10
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:43:10
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:43:10
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:43:09
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:42:47
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:41:22
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:41:21
90000011: V G
2016-06-10 15:41:16
90002759: very good lesson
2016-06-10 14:58:30
90004048: good lesson.
2016-06-10 13:36:29
90001212: very useful and good
2016-06-10 13:31:57
90002031: very good
2016-06-10 13:28:04
90004115: Clearly expained how good stocks look like. Thank you.
2016-06-10 13:08:56
90000481: good!
2016-06-10 12:51:24
90001926: Very good & useful.
2016-06-10 12:50:22
90000205: 这课程讲的能让我在买卖操作时,更轻易的去操作,受益不浅,谢谢老师分享。
2016-06-10 12:46:04
90002259: 聆听杨老师的分析,买卖能更有把握
2016-06-10 12:21:16
90005439: Very Good!
2016-06-10 12:08:00
90002632: good
2016-06-10 11:46:35
90004170: 老师说:总结才能够得到提升,才能化为经验在股市成长,受教了,谢谢老师
2016-06-10 11:38:22
90001418: good
2016-06-10 11:34:41
90004313: very good. pls share more vidoe
2016-06-10 11:34:18
90005050: Fantastic info and coaching!
2016-06-10 11:29:47
90000104: Very useful lesson that I have learned from Homily. Thank so much for all the teachers that have coaching me.
2016-06-10 10:41:06
90000934: valuable lesson ! thank you very much
2016-06-10 10:33:36
90000101: Great. good lesson. I gain a lot of knowledge from it. Keep it up. Thank you teacher!
2016-06-10 10:31:55
90005237: good lesson
2016-06-10 10:20:03
90001610: very good, I am impressed
2016-06-10 09:33:27
90004827: good
2016-06-10 09:01:26
90005439: Very Good!
2016-06-10 08:32:40
90003373: very good
2016-06-10 07:25:12
90003373: very good
2016-06-10 07:11:49
90005352: 学习过程,一定会有很多盲点,盲点一通必然会加快成功的速度感恩老师分享。thx homily
2016-06-10 06:37:31
94240385: 非常好的課程帮助我怎样把握買賣奌的时机謝謝。
2016-06-10 02:41:25
94240385: 学会了解决了我何时買荧
2016-06-10 02:30:23
94240385: 学会了这方法能帮助我决定買赏
2016-06-10 02:28:39
90000292: from 90000292 it is very good knowleddge
2016-06-10 01:32:12
90000185: 好
2016-06-10 01:12:17
90000092: Simply Explicit looking at the picture alone really move the market
2016-06-10 01:11:52
90000003: good
2016-06-10 00:39:52
90002933: very good
2016-06-10 00:36:04
90003025: Good
2016-06-10 00:28:42
90000299: very good
2016-06-10 00:24:15
90002031: 杨老师仔细地分析,黑马股的特征和用什么方法扑捉黑马,受益菲浅。能让我更把握操作,谢谢老师
2016-06-10 00:19:27
90001426: Good
2016-06-09 23:50:07
90005439: Very Good!
2016-06-09 23:45:40
90000058: very good
2016-06-09 23:43:02
90000481: good. thank you
2016-06-09 23:31:22
90004827: good, most appreciated.
2016-06-09 23:27:31
90001418: very good
2016-06-09 23:22:40
30002285: good. just what i need
2016-06-09 23:17:20
90000402: very gd
2016-06-09 23:10:43
90000104: verygood
2016-06-09 23:05:49
90004245: 90004245 very good
2016-06-09 23:03:49
90001212: very good
2016-06-09 22:49:12
2016-06-09 22:44:11
90004049: good
2016-06-09 22:06:04
90000109: Explanations are very clear and systematic.
2016-06-09 22:03:45
94200162: good
2016-06-09 22:01:20
90001926: very good & useful.
2016-06-09 21:57:25
90001962: good
2016-06-09 21:46:07
90004313: very good. I like
2016-06-09 21:44:56
90000934: i learnt alot. thank you very much
2016-06-09 21:18:16
94049329: very useful. well done.
2016-06-09 21:12:39
94018733: very good. tq
2016-06-09 21:03:45
90000101: Very good. I like it. Keep it up. Thank you!!!
2016-06-09 20:50:31
90000205: very good ilike lt thank you
2016-06-09 20:17:04
90001982: 赞
2016-06-09 20:00:11
90000143: good
2016-06-09 19:44:36
90003129: good
2016-06-09 18:54:12
90001418: good
2016-06-09 18:53:22
90003964: good
2016-06-09 18:52:03
90001418: very good
2016-06-09 18:11:13
90005439: Very Good!
2016-06-09 17:49:43
90004478: 老师说的太棒了,非常仔细的说明重点,而且放大说明一些小细节和如何跟踪股价的后续
2016-06-09 17:41:07
90005237: very good. Thks
2016-06-09 16:33:19
2016-06-09 15:52:06
90002281: 明确的弘历彩虹讲解
2016-06-09 15:50:29
90000581: Is good to have a correct concept and attitude before enter into stock market.This is a good place for learning.Keep on all my teachers.
2016-06-09 15:48:27
90000825: very good
2016-06-09 15:48:23
90000825: very good
2016-06-09 15:47:28
90005073: Homily Rainbow MCD, this combination help me monitor and keep track my counters easily.
2016-06-09 15:25:32
90001610: excellent! very good in explanation
2016-06-09 15:13:56
90003728: 非常感谢老師。
2016-06-09 15:04:42
90000101: 很好。谢谢杨老师,给我们带来了精彩的课程。
2016-06-09 13:57:24
90005237: good lesson
2016-06-09 13:36:15
94092444: 谢谢,杨老师。
2016-06-09 13:21:20
90004283: 八大金股以弘历彩虹和六彩神龙精彩回放,让我们有迹可循去挖掘未来真正属于自己的金股和金库!
2016-06-09 13:16:43
90003860: good
2016-06-09 13:02:57
90004313: good
2016-06-09 12:42:45
90004313: very good. I like it
2016-06-09 12:41:33
90001027: 彩虹线可帮我们判断股票的趋势
2016-06-09 12:23:42
90004723: One of the best coaching video I have watched... precise, clearly labelled and very consistent speech. Recording is excellent. 赞!
2016-06-09 12:03:08
90002481: Thanks for the sharing, 让我获益匪浅, keep up the good works.
2016-06-09 12:00:43
90000812: very good
2016-06-09 11:23:41
90002863: Excellent
2016-06-09 11:13:18
90002259: 老师精辟的讲解, 让我获益匪浅,赞!
2016-06-09 11:11:10
90002259: 老师精辟的讲解, 让我获益匪浅,赞!
2016-06-09 11:11:10
90002259: 老师精辟
2016-06-09 11:06:33
90002259: 老师精辟
2016-06-09 11:06:31
90000205: homily is very good
2016-06-09 10:03:21
90000104: Amazing. I learned a lot from Homily chart and from the teachers. Thank you teachers.
2016-06-09 09:50:02
90000101: Homily Chart is a very good software. I benefited so much. I truly appreciate the teachers also.
2016-06-09 09:40:52
94010926: 谢谢老师分享
2016-06-09 09:21:30
90000934: 学了很多。谢谢。。。
2016-06-09 09:11:29
90000205: 弘历近来开新课,能给会员很大的帮助,能让我更把握操作,谢谢老师
2016-06-09 08:56:49
90003043: Very good sharing, thank you!
2016-06-09 06:51:20
90001012: 杨老师仔细地分析,娓娓倒出黑马股的特征和用什么方法扑捉黑马,受益菲浅。
2016-06-09 06:40:09
90001393: Well Done. Good
2016-06-09 06:36:19
90000205: 弘历软件有特色的功能,捕捉黑马的啟动点,让股民有获利
2016-06-09 05:55:09
90000482: 深入浅出的讲解了用两个弘历特色功能捕捉及跟踪黑马, 赞!
2016-06-09 03:16:12
94190802: homily rainbow is amazing 👍
2016-06-09 02:14:01
90000003: good
2016-06-09 01:26:54
90005352: homily is very good
2016-06-09 01:25:27
90005352: 爬山要懂得山性,游水要懂得水性,做股市要懂得行情,趋势。感恩老师不断提醒我们先大后小,先长后小。让我们小股票成才,成长。谢谢你
2016-06-09 01:24:46
90005352: 天天有不同的行情,是股票市场的一个重要特征,但行情的变化是有轨迹可寻的,股民若掌握了这种轨迹,必能百战百胜。
2016-06-09 01:18:56
90000185: good
2016-06-09 00:40:19
90000011: Like
2016-06-09 00:22:20
90000421: Very Good
2016-06-09 00:02:00
90002421: good
2016-06-08 23:59:55
90000003: good
2016-06-08 23:54:58
90005406: 概率真的很重要啊,谢谢老师的讲解
2016-06-08 23:41:19
90004837: Good.Clearly explained how to catch Black Horse.
2016-06-08 23:39:00
90005237: very good.
2016-06-08 23:38:58
94190802: Good! I will catch the dark knight soon after this lesson
2016-06-08 23:36:00
90002978: 黑马成长的摇篮=弘历彩虹线向上多头排列 六彩神龙红柱>50 棒极了!!!赞 !!!
2016-06-08 23:35:59
90000058: very good
2016-06-08 23:34:45
94239907: 弘历不断地安排课程,真的给会员很大的帮助。也帮助了我不断地提升了自信和能力。谢谢了。
2016-06-08 23:33:08
90004896: very good
2016-06-08 23:29:53
90002863: 可以开始去抓黑马啦。一级棒课程。谢谢。
2016-06-08 23:29:29
90001418: 很好good
2016-06-08 23:29:28
90001418: .very good
2016-06-08 23:24:42
90000101: 真棒👍弘历 软件功能非凡,令我更有信心操作股票!
2016-06-08 23:22:26
90002502: very good !thanks teacher
2016-06-08 23:12:32
90004049: insightful thanks
2016-06-08 23:12:25
90005439: Very Good! Clear and useful.
2016-06-08 23:10:28
90005154: 很好的理念,谢谢分享!
2016-06-08 23:09:54
90003395: good
2016-06-08 22:59:29
94129403: HRB quite useful in understanding up down trend from short to long term. All in one....
2016-06-08 22:50:40
90003362: 理念正确最重要,谢谢。
2016-06-08 22:46:43
90002330: 说的真好! 恨时间太短。
2016-06-08 22:46:19
90000101: 非常好!这课程帮助我更好掌握了投资技巧,谢谢了!!!
2016-06-08 22:46:12
90000003: good
2016-06-08 22:43:51
94229654: Good
2016-06-08 22:43:50
94209405: very good
2016-06-08 22:41:12
90004813: 老师讲的很好
2016-06-08 22:40:05
90001137: very good
2016-06-08 22:34:08
90000994: good
2016-06-08 22:31:07
90002637: Lesson is interesting.
2016-06-08 22:24:04
90003171: 很好
2016-06-08 22:22:52
90003171: 很好
2016-06-08 22:22:46
90004827: very good.
2016-06-08 22:21:54
90004216: Good
2016-06-08 22:20:54
90004057: good
2016-06-08 22:19:00
90004522: very good, need more ....please .Good !
2016-06-08 22:18:51
90001982: sound muffled but overall still good and informative
2016-06-08 22:15:19
90000101: Amazing. Through continue learning I believe that I have gained some successful trade. Thank you teacher.
2016-06-08 22:13:14
90002638: good
2016-06-08 22:06:53
90000934: 很好
2016-06-08 22:05:30
90002672: good
2016-06-08 22:04:26
90000104: Very good. I have more confidence on trading. Thank you teacher.
2016-06-08 22:03:51
90004171: very good
2016-06-08 22:03:44
90003292: very good. Worth listening
2016-06-08 22:02:40
90003702: 先大后小,先长后短,做熟不做生.老师讲的很好
2016-06-08 21:45:16
94232955: 杨老师,了解到你是用西洋历法的月份来做统计的。 有没有考虑用周数或其他历法来做统计?
2016-06-08 21:19:14
90001212: very good
2016-06-08 21:17:34
90002031: very good
2016-06-08 21:15:23
90004313: good..but sound a little unclear sometimes
2016-06-08 20:58:59
90004683: 所以先大后小,先长后短,做熟不做生 !
2016-06-08 20:45:50
90000205: 老师讲的很好,谢谢分享
2016-06-08 20:44:03
90004683: 博的就是概率,概率大的时候,我们才去参与博弈!
2016-06-08 20:43:40
90001999: very insightful sharing, thanks!
2016-06-08 20:43:37
94200162: wow so good
2016-06-08 20:32:37
90004057: very good
2016-06-08 20:31:34
90004834: Very Good...
2016-06-08 20:30:45
90001962: very good
2016-06-08 20:28:33
90004753: very good
2016-06-08 20:09:19
90004915: 一路来 我们多是把重点放在個股 非常謝謝弘历教導先大後小 现在也注意個板塊的表现
2016-06-08 20:08:50
2016-06-08 19:58:16
90001393: Very Good...
2016-06-08 19:53:51
90000205: very good
2016-06-08 19:51:54
90004171: very good
2016-06-08 19:39:58
90004061: very good
2016-06-08 19:06:37