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直播 > 万人高清直播频道 > 新会员入门课
90003176: Very good lesson,thanks
2017-09-30 00:28:31
90004245: 很详细 很清楚 有实战价值
2017-09-29 10:53:18
90002722: Thank U.. great
2017-09-29 00:08:41
90004313: Very good Homily Chart Banker Hunter course. Like!
2017-09-24 21:25:59
90002863: Excellent lessons. strongly recommended.
2017-09-24 16:32:04
90002737: very good indicator useful lesson. Thank you teacher.
2017-09-23 20:35:30
90002950: very good and useful thank
2017-09-19 22:08:58
90007618: in the forefront indicator, good. Thanks Sir Jerry
2017-09-19 12:04:20
90004314: advance indicator, thank you Mr Jerry Hu
2017-09-17 10:18:52
90000134: Good and useful. Yhanks.
2017-09-17 00:43:41
90000643: Very advance and useful lesson, Thanks Mr. Hu
2017-09-16 18:47:25
2017-09-16 18:47:21
2017-09-16 18:47:17
90000451: Applying big data analysis by supper computer on diagnosis on stock market is really excellent !
2017-09-16 17:06:47
90000825: Very good lesson.
2017-09-14 18:45:37
90006464: 更深入了解超级云脑诊股。
2017-09-14 13:38:01
94242357: 这又是弘历產品研发部研发升级的优秀炒股武器。利用这產品当然会提高赚钱的机会。本地的股票交易商也有这産品,但他们沒有进一步研发提升吧了!因此,感谢弘历老師刻苦不断研发升级各种指标。 Tan Chon Thong 弘历会员号码:90000813
2017-09-14 09:34:02
2017-09-14 09:34:00
2017-09-14 09:33:58
90000011: know the powerful of Could computing
2017-09-14 00:04:31
90003551: Good lesson
2017-09-12 23:52:49
90004313: good cloud computing trading lesson
2017-09-12 23:48:27
90001160: 豪无疑问,这是弘历猎庄版最突出的升级.谢谢.
2017-09-12 23:26:46
90004837: excellent lesson
2017-09-12 22:25:31
90000481: very good lesson
2017-09-12 05:46:15
90005303: Good lesson, very good!
2017-09-12 00:38:06
90002584: 好厉害的云脑大数据!
2017-09-12 00:26:42
90004765: 90004765 good very good.
2017-09-11 22:57:01
2017-09-11 22:56:56
90002481: Great, Have better understanding on the Apps.
2017-09-11 22:54:10
2017-09-11 22:39:21
90002543: excellentlesson
2017-09-11 22:31:10
90001160: 诉过胡老师详纳介记猎庄云脑诊股之后,深信弘厉手杌软件的新功能埒是股票买卖的利器。谢谢。
2017-09-11 21:28:23
90003853: It is a value lesson and I can fully understand this knowledge clearly.
2017-09-11 20:47:44
90005238: very impressive
2017-09-11 20:32:21
90002863: very good!!
2017-09-11 17:50:14
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:12
2017-09-11 17:10:11
2017-09-11 17:10:10
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:41
2017-09-11 16:53:40
2017-09-11 16:53:38
90000185: thank you for your effort
2017-09-11 16:15:19
90005482: Good Features!
2017-09-11 16:12:38
2017-09-11 14:39:59
90006460: Good course
2017-09-11 14:07:35
90004792: 只能听而已,看没有。
2017-09-11 13:50:26
90002584: 胡老师,有声音没有画面。
2017-09-11 13:48:48
90004283: 只有音频,看不到课件
2017-09-11 13:45:10
90004314: only logo, nothing on the screen
2017-09-11 13:40:31
90003833: Ya,only see the logo,hear the explanation but no chart,no screen display????
2017-09-11 13:36:42
90005482: Mr. Hu, there is nothing on your live screen.
2017-09-11 13:36:26
90007479: 是不是听完就有课件看了啊?
2017-09-11 13:34:23
90005482: Hello, Is the anything on the live screen? I just see the logo only.
2017-09-11 13:28:12
[ 新会员入门专享 ]
90003176: Very good lesson,thanks
2017-09-30 00:28:31
90004245: 很详细 很清楚 有实战价值
2017-09-29 10:53:18
90002722: Thank U.. great
2017-09-29 00:08:41
90004313: Very good Homily Chart Banker Hunter course. Like!
2017-09-24 21:25:59
90002863: Excellent lessons. strongly recommended.
2017-09-24 16:32:04
90002737: very good indicator useful lesson. Thank you teacher.
2017-09-23 20:35:30
90002950: very good and useful thank
2017-09-19 22:08:58
90007618: in the forefront indicator, good. Thanks Sir Jerry
2017-09-19 12:04:20
90004314: advance indicator, thank you Mr Jerry Hu
2017-09-17 10:18:52
90000134: Good and useful. Yhanks.
2017-09-17 00:43:41
90000643: Very advance and useful lesson, Thanks Mr. Hu
2017-09-16 18:47:25
90000643: Very advance and useful lesson, Thanks Mr. Hu
2017-09-16 18:47:21
90000643: Very advance and useful lesson, Thanks Mr. Hu
2017-09-16 18:47:17
90000451: Applying big data analysis by supper computer on diagnosis on stock market is really excellent !
2017-09-16 17:06:47
90000825: Very good lesson.
2017-09-14 18:45:37
90006464: 更深入了解超级云脑诊股。
2017-09-14 13:38:01
94242357: 这又是弘历產品研发部研发升级的优秀炒股武器。利用这產品当然会提高赚钱的机会。本地的股票交易商也有这産品,但他们沒有进一步研发提升吧了!因此,感谢弘历老師刻苦不断研发升级各种指标。 Tan Chon Thong 弘历会员号码:90000813
2017-09-14 09:34:02
94242357: 这又是弘历產品研发部研发升级的优秀炒股武器。利用这產品当然会提高赚钱的机会。本地的股票交易商也有这産品,但他们沒有进一步研发提升吧了!因此,感谢弘历老師刻苦不断研发升级各种指标。 Tan Chon Thong 弘历会员号码:90000813
2017-09-14 09:34:00
94242357: 这又是弘历產品研发部研发升级的优秀炒股武器。利用这產品当然会提高赚钱的机会。本地的股票交易商也有这産品,但他们沒有进一步研发提升吧了!因此,感谢弘历老師刻苦不断研发升级各种指标。 Tan Chon Thong 弘历会员号码:90000813
2017-09-14 09:33:58
90000011: know the powerful of Could computing
2017-09-14 00:04:31
90003551: Good lesson
2017-09-12 23:52:49
90004313: good cloud computing trading lesson
2017-09-12 23:48:27
90001160: 豪无疑问,这是弘历猎庄版最突出的升级.谢谢.
2017-09-12 23:26:46
90004837: excellent lesson
2017-09-12 22:25:31
90000481: very good lesson
2017-09-12 05:46:15
90005303: Good lesson, very good!
2017-09-12 00:38:06
90002584: 好厉害的云脑大数据!
2017-09-12 00:26:42
90004765: 90004765 good very good.
2017-09-11 22:57:01
90004765: 90004765 good very good.
2017-09-11 22:57:01
90004765: 90004765 good very good.
2017-09-11 22:56:56
90002481: Great, Have better understanding on the Apps.
2017-09-11 22:54:10
2017-09-11 22:39:21
90002543: excellentlesson
2017-09-11 22:31:10
90001160: 诉过胡老师详纳介记猎庄云脑诊股之后,深信弘厉手杌软件的新功能埒是股票买卖的利器。谢谢。
2017-09-11 21:28:23
90003853: It is a value lesson and I can fully understand this knowledge clearly.
2017-09-11 20:47:44
90005238: very impressive
2017-09-11 20:32:21
90002863: very good!!
2017-09-11 17:50:14
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:12
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:12
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:12
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:12
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:11
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:11
90003148: very very good
2017-09-11 17:10:10
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:41
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:41
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:41
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:41
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:40
90007479: Good Lessons!!!
2017-09-11 16:53:38
thank you for your effort
2017-09-11 16:15:19
90005482: Good Features!
2017-09-11 16:12:38
2017-09-11 14:39:59
90006460: Good course
2017-09-11 14:07:35
90004792: 只能听而已,看没有。
2017-09-11 13:50:26
90002584: 胡老师,有声音没有画面。
2017-09-11 13:48:48
90004283: 只有音频,看不到课件
2017-09-11 13:45:10
90004314: only logo, nothing on the screen
2017-09-11 13:40:31
90003833: Ya,only see the logo,hear the explanation but no chart,no screen display????
2017-09-11 13:36:42
90005482: Mr. Hu, there is nothing on your live screen.
2017-09-11 13:36:26
90007479: 是不是听完就有课件看了啊?
2017-09-11 13:34:23
90005482: Hello, Is the anything on the live screen? I just see the logo only.
2017-09-11 13:28:12