very good lesson. learnt a lot. thank you
2016-09-27 23:34:24
good refresher lesson on homily position. Thank you.
2016-09-27 23:20:35
This lesson helps me to understand the use of homily position and LSF better.
2016-09-27 23:08:39
Thanks sharing. Very useful on short-term trade stock
2016-09-27 22:34:06
Thank you John Lu sifu for your excellent presentation of usage of HPOS and LSF combinations to trade stocks. Especially the short term buying method "美人回头" I like it very much !!!
The most details lesson, i ever viewed, beside the homily indicator being amazing, the lesson also provide philosophy guidelines to be have a good mindset in this turbulent market.
great and helpful
2017-02-19 20:48:22
90003310: 很不錯,很簡單實用,易明,謝謝老師。
2017-02-19 00:18:36
90002292: 简单实用的操作方法,希望以后多分享一些绝招。
2017-02-18 13:18:10
90006144: 吕老师讲解的弘历进出和美人回头令我获益良多
2017-02-06 16:55:08
90006386: 吕兆军老師非常風趣, 這個股市交易必胜法一定一定要看
2017-02-01 14:46:26
90006332: very good thank you
2017-01-29 22:29:08
90004134: Very good lesson
2017-01-05 00:15:07
90003575: 值得推薦。請勿錯過!
2016-12-13 22:50:00
90003139: 重聽更有味道,感激呂老師
2016-10-17 23:07:42
90004180: 打不开,怎么回事
2016-10-07 09:16:48
90003195: 受益良多!谢谢吕老师。
2016-10-06 17:49:22
90002584: 谢谢吕老师这堂课的讲解!
2016-10-06 03:32:12
90002584: 谢谢吕老师这堂课的讲解!
2016-10-06 03:32:08
90005237: Very good. Thank you John Lu laoshi
2016-10-04 01:08:45
90002031: Excellent thank you sir
2016-10-04 00:06:54
90001105: very good lesson
2016-10-02 03:39:28
90000858: know how to use homily position better.
2016-10-02 02:12:33
90000224: good lesson.
2016-10-02 02:06:21
90002577: very good good
2016-10-01 11:09:44
94258025: very Good
2016-10-01 00:04:28
90000481: good explanation of homily position. thank you
2016-09-30 23:10:57
90001027: 现在知道怎么配合指标交易了。好!
2016-09-30 19:44:05
90002421: Good lesson, Thanks
2016-09-29 23:21:03
90005341: homily position and LSF combination.Learn very useful lesson.Good.
2016-09-29 22:19:55
94265250: Thanks,Good lesson
2016-09-29 18:21:26
90004170: 利用弘历进出来操作,买卖股票才不会太累。赞
2016-09-29 14:52:38
90000185: master lu, thank you for your effort. trust the combination will improve my trading
2016-09-29 12:57:39
90000185: master lu, thank you for your effort. trust the combination will improve my trading
2016-09-29 12:57:37
90000185: master lu, thank you for your effort. trust the combination will improve my trading
2016-09-29 12:57:37
90002794: Very good and useful. Homily position LSF
2016-09-29 12:42:45
90000058: very good very useful.
2016-09-29 12:24:28
90000294: 谢谢吕老师详细解说,非常实用。
2016-09-28 23:39:58
90001426: Very Good
2016-09-28 21:28:53
90002502: very good ,thanks master!
2016-09-28 21:23:10
90001393: Very Good...
2016-09-28 20:26:40
90001418: very good very good
2016-09-28 13:40:12
90000825: Very good. I learn a lots from this lesson.
2016-09-28 10:26:46
90000003: good
2016-09-28 10:12:31
90000934: very good lesson. learnt a lot. thank you
2016-09-27 23:34:24
90001479: good refresher lesson on homily position. Thank you.
2016-09-27 23:20:35
90001694: This lesson helps me to understand the use of homily position and LSF better.
2016-09-27 23:08:39
90002552: Thanks sharing. Very useful on short-term trade stock
2016-09-27 22:34:06
90002978: Thank you John Lu sifu for your excellent presentation of usage of HPOS and LSF combinations to trade stocks. Especially the short term buying method "美人回头" I like it very much !!!
2016-09-27 22:26:46
94000784: This lesson is very useful in trading.
2016-09-27 22:14:17

2016-09-27 21:52:54
90002794: Very good lesson, learn something new and useful. Thank you.
2016-09-27 21:49:07
90002950: very good and thank you
2016-09-27 21:27:56
90004245: 弘历进出有多种战法。多空资金简单明确。 相辅相成。绝配。
2016-09-27 21:23:25
90000994: This lesson has been helpful, thanks!
2016-09-27 20:22:45
90002471: Good good good. Thank you
2016-09-27 18:29:04
90001137: very good course to learn and use ,make profit,keep winning。
2016-09-27 18:25:10
90000666: This lesson helps me to better understand the use of homily position and long short fund.
2016-09-27 16:24:12
90003129: There are very good illustrations.
2016-09-27 16:00:56
90004683: 原来错过了弘历进出的加仓点,我们还可以等美人回头的买点(股价上白线),然后破黄线‘美人离开’就卖!再用多空资金的强弱度來进行双确认。这简直是绝代双骄,天下無敌!
2016-09-27 13:19:27
90002637: Good lesson,
2016-09-27 12:06:36
90002638: Very interesting. Thanks
2016-09-27 12:05:24
90001212: An excellent lesson.
2016-09-27 09:00:12
90005176: Very Good, KISS!
2016-09-27 06:18:18
90000011: If you miss this Vedio you will lost a lot
2016-09-27 01:01:06
90000934: 非常好的一堂课。学了很多。谢谢老师
2016-09-27 00:47:07
90002229: 好得很,又学一招,活学活用,肯定赢钱。
2016-09-26 23:52:14
90005376: good ,thanks teacher
2016-09-26 23:26:40
90000092: The most details lesson, i ever viewed, beside the homily indicator being amazing, the lesson also provide philosophy guidelines to be have a good mindset in this turbulent market.
2016-09-26 22:52:07
90000143: excellent lesson
2016-09-26 22:33:38
90003006: very good topic which give us knowlege. thanks teacher
2016-09-26 21:53:00
90002552: Very good lesson
2016-09-26 20:25:11
90002552: Very good lesson
2016-09-26 20:22:16
90002552: Very good lesson
2016-09-26 20:18:47
90003702: Master John Lu,your are the best. Good video
2016-09-26 18:54:33
94157842: like verygood
2016-09-26 16:27:17
94232955: 不得不承认,好兵器增加胜算。
2016-09-26 16:22:29
90003373: this is really good combination indicator
2016-09-26 15:46:16
90004753: good combination for homily position and LSF to analyse the share trend.
2016-09-26 13:30:21
94000553: Enjoy listening to Teacher John Lu profitable techniques and strategy. Many thanks for your sharing with us ! Awesome !
2016-09-26 12:40:57
90004171: this is really good combination use of indicator
2016-09-26 12:29:09
90000451: The combined use of the indicators of Homily Position
2016-09-26 09:35:41
90000451: The combined use of the indicators of Homily Pos.
2016-09-26 09:25:09
90003292: Thank you for the clear and good presentation
2016-09-26 08:35:15
90003362: 获益不浅!谢谢吕老师!
2016-09-26 07:42:26
90004834: 弘历进出 多空资金,方法简洁,非常有效,真谢谢吕老师
2016-09-26 06:41:04
90004283: 感谢吕老师的精彩分享
2016-09-26 01:18:44
90000435: Good combination for Homily Position and LSF, help members to analyse the share's trend for their trading.
2016-09-26 00:15:31
90005435: 很好的弘历进出 多空资金,可做中长期,又可做短期。 赞!!
2016-09-25 23:46:35
90005406: 很不錯的分享,又獲益良多了,呵呵
2016-09-25 23:27:06
90005195: very good. john
2016-09-25 22:52:14
90004249: always nice to study.
2016-09-25 22:32:16
90000451: The combined use of the indicators of Homily Pos.
2016-09-25 22:15:45
90003006: good

2016-09-25 21:44:00
90001999: Excellent sharing ! Thank you very much !
2016-09-25 21:43:42
90002672: 好料 明白美人回头 谢谢老师
2016-09-25 21:43:17
90004837: excellent combination of HPOS
2016-09-25 20:45:46
90002541: 吕老师,谢谢你成为我们的明灯。这堂课很棒!
2016-09-25 20:13:29
90002472: Very good, I learn a lots from this lesson! Thank you master.
2016-09-25 20:11:56
90000482: lecture v good.
2016-09-25 20:04:23
90000482: lecture v good.
2016-09-25 20:04:23
90000482: lecture v good.
2016-09-25 20:04:23
94255398: very very Good, Thanks
2016-09-25 19:02:13
94255398: very very Good, Thanks
2016-09-25 19:02:13
90001610: very good lesson, another good method
2016-09-25 18:10:06
90004170: 利用宏历进出来操作,买卖股票才不会太累。赞
2016-09-25 17:09:53
94006440: good lesson to explain the powerful indicator!
2016-09-25 16:45:13
90003793: very good advise and explanation. shall dedicate to follow your advise to invest in the stock market. many thanks.
2016-09-25 15:40:45
90002259: 经典的弘历进出 新功能多空资金双剑合璧,所向无敌。 赞
2016-09-25 15:12:46
90002544: Very good, I learn a lots from this lesson! The technic is very practical, thank you very much.
2016-09-25 13:58:07
90000331: 很好啊
2016-09-25 13:55:26
90003023: I benefited a lot from watching this video. Thank you very much. Well done
2016-09-25 13:34:43
90005496: 呂老師的課永遠讓我們受益良多
2016-09-25 13:15:42
90003193: 概念清晰,方法简洁,非常有效。
2016-09-25 12:00:26
90000104: Very good Video, not only good knowledge from teacher's sharing, we can get stock selection to find out good stocks to buy.
2016-09-25 11:47:12
90000205: 分析得很好,从投资理念到交易系统,还用指标选股,能让股民获益不淺,真谢谢吕老师
2016-09-25 11:21:48
90000101: Thanks for teacher's excellent sharing. It's a valuable video to watch.
2016-09-25 10:49:33
90004690: Very good!
2016-09-25 09:39:15
90001012: 吕老师讲得精辟,从投资理念到交易系统,到如何用指标选股操作一只股票,给予了详细的分析和举例说明,让我们获益良多。继续加油!
2016-09-25 09:26:54
90002421: good lesson
thank you
2016-09-25 08:14:52
90004259: good sharing
2016-09-25 07:54:19
90003852: very very good
2016-09-25 07:32:10
90003728: Good .
2016-09-25 03:09:21
90002137: excellent presentation of usage of HPOS and LSF combination to trade stocks
2016-09-25 00:59:23
90000421: Very good! Thank you so much. Teacher John
2016-09-24 23:15:12
90000421: Very good! Thank you so much. Teacher John
2016-09-24 23:15:06